Something Important

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Holly shit it's been a month. I promise this isn't a filler chapter.

Ok. So before I start: this chapter has nothing to do with gender, gender identity, sexuality, or even parents.

Ok. So I know this book is about gender and living as a transguy. But I just need to ask something else.

First: this consits of multiple questions if you answer please answer a specific question on that paragraph or use the miners I will be providing. This is just so I know which one you're answering without you having to type 7 paragraphs before your answer.

Ok. Sorry.

1. Do you believe people can change? Like their personalities.

I'm wondering because we have all heard, "people can't change" one time in their life. If you having heard it: now you have. I think people can they just don't.

2. If a person doesn't like their personality should they change themselves?

I personally think yes. But I don't know.

3. If a person changes their personality, are they still being true to themselves?

I really don't even have an answer for this. This is the big question that the other two got you prepared for.

Anyway. Sorry for the slow updates. I'm working on some stuff. Also, failing classes so I need to get some work handed in for them.

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