When Parents Love Christ pt1...

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/after the sp/

"baby itll be alright. and if they don't accept you, my family will accept you. they'll even bring you in" i said, trying to sooth the boy who is about to have a panic attack, and is my adorable boyfriend. "you dont know they will" he said, kinda rude, kinda scared. "yeah i do, i called and asked." i replied. he chuckled a cute laugh and i looked for somewhere to eat. "what if we ate before they came. would that make you feel better baby?" he looked up and smiled weakly "yeah... how about chick fi lay?" he asked, i think he thought i would say no!? of corse im gonna say yes. i got up and kissed his lips "anything you want big dic- i mean babe" i blushed hard and so did he, i pecked his lips and walked towards the food place in the airport "you kissed another boy?" a little girl, probably 4 or 5 asked me. i was gonna blow up but i saw she was young. "yeah i did. hes my boyfriend. and i love him very much. and you, you can get a girl or boy friend" i said calmly, and politely and turned away. i stood in line and got us two 12 peice chicken nuggets and a extra large coke to share. i walked back and sat it down, then sat next to my boyfriend before we dug in

we sat for about 10 minuets after we ate. we joked a bit, then i saw my parents. "oh my god there they are! how are we gonna-"  and he shushed him. "were gonna walk up to them, we are gonna say hi, then we kiss, to let them know we're together" jack said. i nodded slowly as they came and hugged me, i faked a smile for the whole hugging situation. after it was done jack nodded at me. "guys i need to tell you somthing." i stated. "of course honey, whats up?" they asked. "me and jack" i started but jack just kissed me, forcefull and soft, and i kissed back. "youre.... my sons a sinner?" my  mom said rude. "im in love" i corrected. "i spent 500 dollars to see this sinner of mine. get out of my way. youre a disgrase to our whole christ loving family" my dad spat out. they walked of and i stood there with jack, not even remotely suprised. "i got your family right?" i asked him and kissed his and kissed his soft, amazing lips. "of course. but we arnt finished." he grabbed my hand and i knew it was a super bad idea as he was following my hating parents. "no no no no no no no" i said "we have to finn
"no we dont jack"
"yes we do finn"
"honestly its ok thats them"
"i wanna tell them that your not thier son"
"fine" i mutterd. this isnt good.

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