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How much do you love jack and will you and jack adopt me?
"I love jack so much, words cannot describe it. He is perfect, and deserves everything in the world. Also sure if you can feed yourself *smiles and shrugs*

What if you proposed and jack said no?
"Id cry. The whole night. Id sob violently and scream and break things. I fucking love him and that'll legit kill me"

Is water wet?
"No personal questions please"

Can I be the god parent of your kids?
"That's up to jack, but I'm okay for it"

How do you feel when people ask you and jack to adopt them?
"Definitely not the feel I get with jack, but nice to know people want 17 year olds to tell them what to do"

What would you say if jack was into ballet?
"Happy my baby does what he enjoys, and id be down to see him in a tight suit anyday *winks*"



How well do you know finn? And Are you mad about Finns parents? Where are your parents?
"Id say really good, but not everything. I just hope his secrets ain't hurtful ones. And I dislike them, but America gives the right to freedom of religion so... And I hear they're visiting soon, they're just so busy."

Is it possible to accidentally suck a dick?
"I wouldn't know! But yes and I would know. Finns a sneaky babe alright"

adopt me
"Im not old enough unfortunately, but I can kidnap you?

If anything happens to your kid can I take them in?
"Ill have to talk with finn, but I'm leaning towards yes"

Can we be best friends because then I'll probably die of happiness
"Hell Yeah! Oh wait no don't die! MEDIC!"

Do you like it when people ask you to adopt them because it means they trust you?
"well absolutely if thats it means then I like it a lot!!!!!"

how's life my dude? Also describe finn in great detail
"could be worse, and he's got shaggy yet curly hair, freckles that are Prominent up close, soft, caremal eyes that show love and care, a gorgeous smile, and just perfection all around. His dick... Ill leave that how you wish"

Youre a precious bean you know that?
"I did not know that but thanks? Even tho I'm human and not a bean. But I'll take the compliment!!"


Do old people bother you?
"Old people bother me, but no"

Did you have a great fifteenth birthday!?
"The greatest! And all with my bffs!"

Happy birthday jaeden!! Can I call you jae?
"Thanks, and sure!"

Happy birthday! What's up my Dude?
"Thanks, and other than filming, the sky and nothing much else"

What is one reptile you don't like? I don't like Ellie
"lizards, but like you said, snakes suck"

Favorite movie: go
" it 2017. Kidding, probably bright or the turning"

If you could say one thing to Nicholas Hamilton, what would you say?
"Thanks for being an amazing Henry bowers!"

Marry me?
"im a little to young, but in a year ask again!"

Opinion on syatt?

Can I be your biggest friend?
Gotta give that to finn, but youll be my smabff (super mega awesome bff)

are you gay, straight or bi and whos your crush?
"straight and Sophie, easily. Look at her smile!"

Do you think you and Sophie would be a good couple?
"Yes, I hope so!"

Your favorite artist?
"Vincent Van Gogh. kidding, probably millie bobby brown tbh"

Jeremy/ben (cuz I said Ben earlier)

Favorite harry potter character?
"Ron. easy."

Favorite song?
"Tough question, probably new kid on the block" (get it?)

"The SKy , nothing else since the author forgets me a lot"

Millie bobby brown
Thoughts about kissing?
"Cute when you're kissing your significant other 😗"

can we be soulmates?
"How about we talk, and see where things go from there? 😗"

You are also my queen
"As my first act of royalty I will make you find love 😗"

Dab on dem haters
"Dont gotta tell me twice!"

How are you so adorable?
"I dunno, but probably my haircut. Kidding, I just didn't know I was"

I have a problem, I want to marry you or Wyatt or jack or finn. Who sounds I choose?
"Well finn and jack are together, and wyatt is with jaeden. Im the only single one sooooooooo"

"Look at these pearls"

can we be lbf's?

Can we sing sometime together?
"right now! The eye of the-"

Are you chocolate daddy?
"I am chocolate daddy" *shakes arms*

Favorite band?
"that's a tough one, but probably kansas"

on January 9th we're having national caleb McLaughlin appreciation day. How do you feel about that?
"Awesome! I dont think I deserve it though"

Thoughts about Caleb?
"Good actor. May or may not be a good kisser and wouldn't mind it again"

Do you love caleb?
"No comment. Yes."

Let's be best friends gorgeous
"With that I'm so down!"

And that concludes my first ever character q&a. also my 100th update on this book. Couldn't of done it without you lovely people!!!!


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