~The HeadHunter~

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As Jason returned, Tracer and Winston were waiting for him. "What's the occasion?" Jason asked.

"You went and fought Doomfist!?" Winston demanded. "Yes, and why?" He asked. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that criminal is? It took three of us to take him down!" Winston shouted.

"Files show it took your 'Primal Rage' to take him down. Before, Tracer's Accelerator was destroyed and Agent Genji was downed." Hera said.

"Hey, that is classified!" Winston growled. "Oh please monkey, we saved you from the Covenant when they cornered you and the scientist jockies." Hera retorted. Lena snickered lightly as Winston trudged back towards the base to 'upgrade' the security. Jason and the time traveler began walking towards the command room before Lena cleared her throat.

"So, when do you think the UNSC will arrive to pick you up?" She asked. "Until Hera can throw up a beacon." Jason replied.

"It's pretty hard when you're trying to ignore the other yous speaking at once." Hera retorted. Jason said his apologies as they entered to see Winston typing about. The Spartan removed his helmet and placed it on the table. He removed Hera's chip and inserted it into the mainframe as she looked through everything related to Doomfist.

"What are you doing?" Winston asked. "Hera is shifting through everything related to 'Doomfist'. Whoever he is, I'm getting to the bottom of it." He replied as Hera called for him. Jason placed his helmet on as he grabbed Hera's chip and placed it in his helmet.

"What do you mean?" Winston demanded. "Meaning, we'll take care of your problem." Jason said grabbing his pistol and loading a bullet in the chamber. He turned and left as a shadow casted behind him.

"Whoa, wonder what's got him in a knot?" Lena wondered. "I mean it's been a year since he's had contact with his squad mates and the Spirit of Hope." Winston replied. Lena nodded as she sat in her chair and sighed.

"What's the matter Lena?" Winston asked. "I guess, after everything. I forgot how special everyone was. It made me miss being on a team again." She replied looking through the mainframe as pictures of the agents went through.

"I do miss hanging out with McCree, he was fun to hang out with. He was always able to sneak us in outside food back in Switzerland. Never knew how, but he always came through." She said wistfully.

"What, are me and Athena not fun enough to hang out with?" Winston asked with a smirk.

"It's not that big guy, don't you miss them?" Lena said turning to him. Winston placed his welder down and sighed.

"Not a day goes by that I don't miss everyone. Especially Commander Morrison." The gorilla replied. Lena looked back to the pictures as Jack's face appeared. His brilliant smile and chiseled jawline.

"Yeah, I miss him too." She replied before relaxing back into the chair. Jason entered his jet as it lifted into the air and took off as it entered coordinates to where Doomfist or other Talon leaders could be at.

"You ready 'Headhunter'?" Hera asked. "As ready as I'll ever be." He replied placing his pistol on his thigh and switched his SMG for a silenced DMR. The cloaked jet hovered over the drop point, at least 15 feet from the ground, as Jason opened the door and jumped down and landed on the rough soil. He pulled out his DMR and made his way to the meeting. He lowered to the ground floor and hid behind a building before poking his head out to see guards walking around, most on the catwalks as a few stood on the ground. He aimed his rifle at four walking along the catwalk, hidden in the shadows from the others, and fired four shots as they entered the grunts head, the bodies dropping over each other, masking the sound it made on the catwalk. The rest seemed to not acknowledge that four of their comrades died. He turned to see two grunts walking near him. He placed his DMR on his back and pulled out his pistol and knife and backed up as his suit became invisible. The two grunts walked over as Jason whistled, getting their attention. Both grunts raised their weapons as they walked over cautiously. He uncloaked and fired his pistol into one's head before dashing forward and stabbing his neck and fired a round in the roof of his mouth. He let the body drop as he turned to see the leaders starting to move, along with the dark man in a suit. Jason glanced over to see two operatives standing near him, one was the purple lady and the other was 'Reaper'.

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