Chapter Three: The First Night Of Sixty

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Ali Martinez POV

I'll spare you the details of packing and going to a place. There was a flight. A very long flight from LA to a disclosed location. We arrived to the house at like 12 in the morning so we went in all quiet because we thought Magcon was already there, but they weren't. So we got the best rooms. We took the three biggest rooms, that connected, that had two huge beds in each. Maya and Taylor in the right, Sammi and Dakota in the middle, and Madi and I in the one on the left.

As soon as we unpacked and relaxed, we went to bed. I woke up at 3 a.m. to the sound of clumping feet on the ground outside. I opened up the door to see Magcon come in all giggly and shit.

"Shut the fuck up!" Taylor yelled at them and Taylor Caniff looked at her, "Yeah, I'm talking to you!"

"I need my beauty sleep," Dakota whined and Madi looked at her.

"I think you should go back to sleep," Madi said and Dakota glared at her.

"Remember, you're on our side," I whispered to her.

"Okay," she whispered back then turned to the boys, "Shut the fuck up, dumbasses, we're trying to sleep and fix Dakota's face."

I stifled a laugh and looked at them, "How many guys are with you?"

They shrug.

"Sorry for the noise," Matt says and I smile thinly.

"Well, I'm up now," Sammi says, "Who wants smoothies?"

All us girls said yeah and yes and we left our respectable rooms. I noticed some of the boys staring at us as we pass by. Then I notice why they're looking.

"Why are they looking at me?" Madi whispered to Maya and Maya looked at her.

"I don't know. I'm getting the eyes, too," Maya whispers.

"Your pajamas, guys," I say and they look at what they're wearing. Madi's just wearing a long t-shirt and Maya's wearing a tank top and shorts.

"Does this mean I'm going to have to change?" Maya asks, "I can still feel their eyes."

Luckily, Sammi and Taylor finished making smoothies then and started serving them. As soon as we get ours, though, hands appear and take them.

I turn around and Magcon are drinking our smoothies.

"These are very good," Cameron Dallas says, "You should publish the recipe."

"I kinda wanted to drink that," Sammi says to Nash, who took hers.

"I kinda did, too," Nash sips it, "This is very good."

Dakota leans over to me, "Look at how sexy he looks drinking that smoothie."

I look over to where she's looking and see Brent drinking his through a straw. Then I realize, that smoothie was mine. I glare at him the same way Taylor's doing to Cameron and Maya's doing to Matt. Madi's just sitting there with a bored expression on her face while Shawn sips hers. She looked over at me and rolled her eyes. I smiled at her.

"So, boys, um," Madi says, "You do know that, well, we put special things into the smoothie."

"What kind of things?" Carter brings Dakota's smoothie from his mouth.

"Well, things that will help us," Sammi answers.

"Help you what?" Matt asked warily.

"Um...," Taylor scratches her head, "Have babies."

The boys spit out the smoothies and we laugh. I watch Nash rub his tongue to get the taste off of it. Madi, Taylor, and Sammi high five at completing their task of acting. The six guys of Magcon stare at us.

"You tricked us," Matt points at us and we shrug.

"You drank our smoothies," Taylor fake cries and leans on Madi's shoulder.

"Shame," Maya shakes her head, "You made the girl cry."

"Wasn't she just cursing us out five minutes ago?" Carter asks and Dakota shakes her head.

"My child, please live in the present, you grasshoper," Dakota says as if she was a sensei. I hear a faint snore and look over at Madi, whose knocked out.

"Um," I shake her head but she doesn't budge, "Madi's done for the night."

"Wake up, Madison," Taylor shakes, "School's in the morning."

"Five more minutes, Dad," Madi mutters and we burst out laughing.

"Um, how is she getting into her room?" Sammi asks, "Cause I sure as hell am not carrying her."

"Can we draw on her face?" Matt asks and we shake our heads.

"The last time we did that," Maya begins, "We didn't have to arch our eyebrows for half a year, if you know what I mean."

I covered my eyebrows for effect.

"I can carry her," Cameron says, looking at her legs.

"She's sixteen, btw," Dakota tells him and he nods, backing away from her.

"Then I'll carry her," Shawn says and picks her up as if she was light. Madi's not. He carries her back into the room and catch Dakota watching his every move. So protective over our young friend. If Madi's around, she never does these things.

"So, can we talk in the morning about life with all this lady hormones?" Carter asks and we just look at him. Lady hormones. Seriously.

"So, can we talk in the morning about life with all this male testosterone?" Taylor ask with her attitude again, "I don't think my lady hormones can deal with that."

I hit her on the back of the head and throw her a quick shut up.

"But, seriously, there are more of you guys than there is us," I say.

Maya shrugs, "Don't enter my room unless I say to."

"Yeah," Taylor chirps in and I hit her again on the head.

"Let us introduce oursleves," Dakota says, "My name is Dakota Smith."

"I'm Sammi Evelyn," Sammi puts away the blender, "The feisty one is Taylor Okinawa. The one hitting her is Ali Martinez. Maya Tony is the one next to them. And the one currently asleep is K. Madison. You can call her Mads or Madi or Madison."

"So, which ones of you guys have fake names?" Nash asks.

"Shut up, Hampton," Taylor says.

"Where is Shawn? He hasn't came out of that room, yet," Dakota says as she gets up.

"I don't know," I went to the room and its door was closed, "Closed doors. I don't like it."

Dakota turns the handle and opens the door to......

......Madi playing a guitar while Shawn sings.

"Where'd you get the guitar?" I ask and Madi inclines her head towards Shawn.

"Whoo. They were just playing the guitar," Dakota says, "Not doing what I thought they were doing."

"Get out!" Madi yells, "All of you! Out!"

"Sorry, but this is my room, too," I say and get into the bed opposite Madison, who's currently kicking out Shawn and Dakota. She still has his guitar when she goes to bed. She cradled it like it was a baby.

"Ali," she whispers to me.


"It smells like him," she whispers and then hums me to sleep.

Before I go to sleep, I say, "Did you plan it so he could carry you?"

"Yes," she sings.

K. Madison has officially went from mean girl to fan girl.


edited as of-3-17-15

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