Chapter 41: Fighting Fans

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Ali Martinez POV

They opened up the door to our house and everyone rushed to the Madi. Wrong move.

"All ya'll bitches get out my goddamn face," Madi said and everyone backed away, 'cept for all of ALOL. We all hugged her, "Now, I'm going to die from hugs. This has been the best day ever."

"Stop being sarcastic and hug us back," Dakota says and we laugh and let go of Madi.

"Whoa, Mads, your face," Shawn says and Madi smiles thinly.

"You should see the other guy," she says and we all look at her, "I'm serious. We should."

"I still got her extensions," Sammi says and Madi whoops.

"So, nobody made me food," Madi looks around, "C'mon people, I was in a fight."

"You can't eat, yet," Nash says and hands her his phone, "Press play."

I lean over her shoulder so I can see. It was Magenta.

"This video is to K. Madison," she says. She looks way less horrible than Madi. Except she has a bandaid over her nose.

"Nose job," I sing and Madi and I high five.

"K. Madison, our fight for Jc is not over," Magenta says.

"We weren't fighting for Jc, though," Madi says and I shrug.

"In fact, I'm outside your house right now," Magenta says. Oh, this should be interesting. I walk to the front door before Madi could and go outside and see the dumb blonde out there with another person. Was she going to try to jump her?

"I suggest you get your blonde ass of my property," I say and she shakes her head, "You do know this is illegal, right? I could call the police and have you arrested for trespassing on private property."

"I don't care," Magenta says, "I just want to beat that bitch up."

I turn around and see Jc and Jack G. holding down Madi.

"You have five seconds to get off my property, white trash," I say and she shakes her head.

"I'm not white trash. You're white trash," Magenta says. Dumbass.

"She's obviously Latin," Dakota says, "Dumb blondes are real. You can't be white trash if you're Latin."

"Girl, I will beat your ass. Get off this property," I say and then another blonde but obvsly this girl's hair is dyed.

"And you're dating my Brent Rivera," Dyed Blonde says.

"He doesn't date fake blondes, bitch," I talk like her squeaky voice.

"It's not dyed. It just needs help getting this blonde," she says, "He's still mine, though."

"Bitch, he can't be yours if he is mine," I say, "Do you kiss him? No. Do you hug him? No. Do you listen to him speak everyday? No. I do all those things, so I suggest you get off my property before I do the same thing Madi did to your little friend. I don't even like to fight, but you're making me want to drop kick your ass all the way to Mexico."

"She'll do it," Lila comes up next to me, "And I need you to go so she won't have assault on her hands."

Unfortunately, they just rolled their eyes and popped their gum. Dumbasses. I grabbed the fake blonde's hair and dragged her off into the street inbetween to parked cars.

"Stay," I said and went to Magenta, "That will be you in five seconds."

"Do it," she said.

Five. I looked at her and she looked at me

Four. I cracked my knuckles

Three. The fake blonde cried about her hair

Two. Lila jumped beside me

One. I punched Magenta in the stomach and pulled her so she was with her friend.

"Should have never came here," I said to her and went into the house. I'm so badass. When we all went into the house, no one said a thing about the fans. No one.


edited as of-4-29-15

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