Video Diary Confessions No. 2 (ALOL)

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Question of the day: 

If you were trapped on an island, which boy would be the person you would want most with you?

Dakota Smith:

If I were trapped on an island, I would totally want Carter with me. Yeah, I know I'm supposed to say Cameron, but can Cam cook? No. I want someone who can cook with me, so I choose Carter. He can make something with pineapples and coconuts for us to eat. Then we won't die. Well, we might. Does this island have fresh water?

Lila Okinawa: 

I don't know if I want Sam with me, because he'll probably distract me from the things were supposed to be doing to survive. But then again, his fine ass is all I need to survive. Man, this question is hard.

Maya Tony:

Personally, I'd probably want my bae, Matt, on the island with me. He can keep me safe from the natives or killer animals. He can keep me entertained on the island. It would be paradise. *sighs*

Ali Martinez:

Well, obvs, I would want Jack G. because he's all buff and shit and he can get the pineapples at the top of the tree and kill the birds so we can eat them. I'll make the slingshot, he has perfect aim and boom. Good Eating. Sorry, Brent but Mr. G is the best choice in this situation.

Sammi Evelyn:

I would want my Nash there with me. We would have so much fun there together it would be so sweet. We can kiss at dawn and sunset. So romantic. He could propose to me by the beach,

Nash- I would do what by the beach, bae?

Sammi- Nothing. I have no idea what you're talking about. Why are you in my confession, anyway?

K. Madison:

If I was on an island I would want Johnson there so I can laugh and giggle and not be all serious all the time. So, I won't go nutty there by myself. Cuz we'll be nutty together. We can each name a basketball, better yet a volleyball. We can pretend its our kid. It would be so much fun. I would love being on an island with Jack Johnson. 

Dakota- I'm sorry but are you fangirling?

Madi-No, I am not. Just stating the obvious.


edited as of-3-24-15

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