Video Diary Confessions No. 3 (Magcon)

616 20 17

Question of the day:

If you could switch bodies with any member of the other group, who would it be?

Cameron Dallas:

If I could switch bodies, it would totally be with one of the girls, so I could see what it's like to have boobs. Is that wrong?

Nash Grier:

It would be with Jc Caylen, so I could be of drinking age and I could taste tequila without it being illegal.

Matthew Espinosa:

I'd switch with Trevor Moran, so I'd have the ability to sing. On pitch.

Carter Reynolds:

It would be with Lila, bc she's all little and shit and she gets away with stuff. I want to get away with stuff, too.

Jack Gilinsky:

Connor, so I could have pretty eyes. Girls, like guys with pretty eyes, so I'd get more girls.

Brent Rivera:

It would be with Maya, so I could have an accent and if people ask me a question I don't wanna answer, I could pretend I don't speak English. Be like, me no speak-a-no english.

Shawn Mendes:

I would want to be Sammi or Madi so I could have the ability to dance. So I won't look like a white boy when I do.

Taylor Caniff:

I would want to be Jc Caylen, so I could have tattoos and be like, "yeah, girl, I have tattoos. Wanna touch them?''.

Jack Johnson:

I would want to be Sam Pottorff, so I could have his cheeks. Just sit there poking my cheeks all day. Poke.

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