Chapter 13: Breathe If You Like Me

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Ali Martinez POV

The day after Madi's party was leftover day. Which meant we had to eat all the leftovers from the party. Hot wings and cake. I was heating me up some wings when Brent came into the kitchen.

"Hello, Ali," he said as he took some cereal out of the pantry, "You're eating hot wings for breakfast?"

"Why not?" I take them out the microwave.

"Seems unhealthy to me," Brent says as he ate some Frosted Flakes.

"Seems delicious to me," I say and dip a wing in ranch.

"Whatever," Brent shakes his head, "Want to go down to the beach?"

"Sure," I finish my wings and go and get my blue striped bikini. I pass Alex on the way back to the beach to meet Brent.

"Ooh," Alex said, "She pulled out the bikini. Shit is about to get real."

"Shut up," I pass by him and walk onto the beach where Brent waits with his swim trunks own. Abs.

"Oh, um, wow, um," Brent stuttered when he saw me. I stood with my mouth slightly opened and closed it before he could see.

"I know," I pose, "I work out."

"No, she doesn't," K. Madison says as she passes me. She was wearing a bikini too but with a cover-up skirt. Why didn't I think of that?

"I don't care," Brent says, "She's still really gorgeous."

He said I was gorgeous. Not hot! But gorgeous. I, Ali Francesca Martinez, was gorgeous. Whoop!

"Thank you," I blush, "You're really handsome yourself."

"Okay," he blushes, "Let's get rid of all this awkwardness and surf."

Brent pulled out two surfboards and I cringed. I never surfed before. Sure, I grew up in Malibu and like to have a gorgeous tan by the beach, but all I can do is swim. 

"Um," I smiled nervously, "I don't know how to surf."

Brent set one board down and pulled me to the shoreline while he carried the other surfboard. He set the board down and sat on it.

"Well," Brent looked up at me, "Aren't you coming?"

"I don't know how," I tell him and looked at the sky. Didn't I just say that?

"I know," Brent grabbed my arm and pulled me to the board, in front of him, "I'm going to teach you how."

We waded into the water and we slowly moved by Brent pushing his feet.

"Technically," Brent said, "This isn't surfing. We're just sitting on a surfboard in the water doing nothing."

"Fine by me," I turn around so that I'm facing him, "So, what's up?"

"The sky," Brent said, "The clouds."

"Okay, smart ass. What do you like to do besides Vines?" I asked him.

"Talk about my miserably single life," Brent nods and I laugh.

"It's okay," I fake cry, "I'm miserably single, too."

"It's so lonely," Brent kicks up some water which makes us move faster.

"It's okay we can be miserably single together," I joke and Brent looks at me.

"Then we won't be miserably single," Brent smiles, "We'd be happily in a relationship."

"It was a joke," I say with mock attitude.

"I don't want it to be," Brent says with fake attitude.

"What?" I look at him.

"I don't want to be miserably single," Brent says, "I want to be happily in a relationship with you."

"Okay, hold your breath," I told him.

"Why?" he asked.

"Just do it," I say.

Brent took a huge breath then closed his mouth. I waited thirty seconds before I said what I had planned.

"Breathe if you like me," I told him and he took the hugest breath ever. I smiled.

"Let's go slow in our relationship, though," Brent grabbed my hands, "I don't want to rush into anything."

"You must be telepathic?" I asked him and he smiled, "Because that was exactly what I was thinking."


edited as of-3-21-15 

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