Chapter 7: Let The Games Begin

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K. Madison POV

The next morning, we woke up to trumpets blowing in that Army tune. We all went into the living room to see Heather holding the trumpet. Taylor O. walked up to her and took it and shook her head.

"Morning," Heather smiled, "Today, you guys will have a challenge."

"Challenge, of what?" Carter asked.

"An obstacle course," Heather pointed out the patio window and we saw an obstacle course laid out on the beach, "The first team to get each member to the end wins."

"But we have more players," Nash said, "Isn't that unfair?"

"Yeah, but," I respond, "We have some slow runners."

"Maya," Taylor O. coughs and Maya glares at her.

"What's the whole point?" Matt asks her and Heather smiled.

"To eat breakfast today," Heather says, "And a chance to have a friend visit for a week."

"When is this all going to happen?" Dakota yawns and I swear Heather's eyes sparkled mischievously.

"Now," she said and we all got our things together (athletic clothes) and rushed to get outside to the Start line. We pushed the best to the front and the worst to the back. Our line was Dakota, Sammi, me, Ali, Taylor, and lastly Maya. In Magcon's line was Cameron, Nash, Carter, Matt, Brent, Taylor, and Shawn.

Heather held a green flag in between us, "Remember guys, you can't go till the last person who went at least reaches the cones."

The cones sat in the middle of the course. Heather started her count down.

"On your mark" Sammi got into position and blew a kiss at Nash. I threw up in my mouth a little bit.

"Get set" I lookd over at Magcon's line and Carter winked at me. I blushed.

"Go" Dakota and Cameron ran from the lines.

By the time Sammi got to the cones, Dakota sat at the finish line. Nash was five feet in front of her. I was off and running before Carter payed attention to where they were.

I ducked under the military net and through the shoot. Carter caught up with me at the rope climb, which I was struggling at.

"Face it, K," Carter said, "You're not that good at this."

"Shut up, Reynolds," I swung the rope towards the wall and climbed over it. Bet he did not think of doing that.

I was at the cones in no time. I was exactly ten feet behind Nash and Sammi and I have no idea how that was possible. I ran past them easily and made it to the finish line at the same time Carter did.

"Didn't they go before you guys?" Cameron asked and Carter and I nodded and looked at them. They were crossing the finish line holding hands. Dakota grabbed Sammi and Cameron grabbed Nash and pulled them away from each other. 

Ten minutes later, Ali, both Taylors, Brent and Matt were at the finish line. Maya and Shawn were still out there. Shawn was behind at the balance beam and Maya was fifteen feet in front of him at the mud pit. She had to jump over it.

"C'mon, Maya!" I yelled, "You can do it!"

"Yeah!" Taylor O. yelled, "Go Maya!

ALOL started chanting her name while the boys were yelling at Shawn to hurry up.

"Shawn!" Cameron yelled, "Hurry up! We gotta win!"

Maya and Shawn ran up to the finish line. We all looked at Heather for the winner.

"Maya's foot was over the line two seconds before," Heather said and all us girls cheered while the boys grumbled. Which friend would we have over?

"Each girl gets one friend," Heather continued and we nodded.

"I'm having Sam over," Taylor said. Her boyfriend, Sam Potternoff.

"I can invite Alex," Sammi said. Alex was our best guy friend.

"I call Olivia," Dakota said and we laughed. Olivia was our friend that we would never have here. She was too innocent to be here.

"Be serious," Sammi said and Dakota said another one of our friends.

"Um, I want to have my friend Hayes over," Nash said and everyone told him to shut up.

"I'm going to have Miguel over," Ali smirked at me. Miguel was my crush that I had forever.

"No, you're not," I tell her and Ali frowns at me. We all said a friend (Taylor-Sam, Sammi- Alex, Ali- Miguel) except for me, Dakota and Maya. We didn't have that many friends.

"So, whichever boy is the kindest to me," I walk towards the boys, "I will invite a friend of their's."

The boys looked at me.

"You're for real?" Taylor Caniff asks me.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him, innocently.

"We want to invite both Jacks back for a week," Shawn says.

"I am in love with Johnson's rapping," I say. And I sorta have the tiniest of crushes on him. Tiny.

"And Gilinsky's abs," Dakota says and we all nod. 

"So, it depends on if you guys treat me, Dakota and Mads right," Maya says, "Or no friends for you."

"You still need one more," Dakota says.

"Mahogany Lux," Carter says, "Our DJ."

"Sure," I say. I was expecting them to say Aaron. Why did they say Mahogany?


edited as of-3-17-15

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