Chapter 50: Get Away With It

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Lila Okinawa POV

"That's weird," I said as I layed on Maya's bed as we watched sad movies and ate ice cream.

"What's weird?" Maya asked.

"Well, both our boyfriends asked to marry us when there was another guy who liked us," I said and Maya nodded slowly.

"Bitch," Maya said and crushed her ice cream container in her hand.

"It was basically just to keep us with them," I stood up and started pacing, "AND HE THOUGHT HE COULD GET AWAY WITH IT!"

"Calm down," Maya said, "Just call him and be like, I know the whole truth and see what he says. He might have more lies."

I pulled out my phone (Put it on speaker so Maya could hear) and called Sam and waited as the phone rang.

Sam- Hey, babe.

Me- Sam. I know the whole truth.

Sam- I told you I dyed my hair. You should know.

Me- Not that. The other truth.

Sam- That I'm on tour? Lila, I'm confused.

Me- Just shut up.

Sam- Okay, whatever. I call you once I get back to the hotel.

I hung up the phone and Maya sat back on the bed and laughed.

"It wasn't funny," I say.

"Oh, yes it was," Maya said and I grabbed a pillow and hit her.

"So, who's the guy you like more than Mr. Espinosa?" I asked her. She whispered his name in my ear and I gasped. 

"What? But don't (Imaginary beep) likes him?" I said and she nodded.

"But we've been talking on the phone and I have a lot in common with him," Maya said.

"Whatever floats your boat? He's a little weird, though," I said and she looked at me.

"Your boyfriend's the one who would show his bare ass in Kian's video though," Maya said and I hit her with the pillow again.

"Shut up," I said, "He's just free with his perfect body. You know, he has this-"

"I don't wanna know," Maya cut me off, "I don't like to throw-up. Just so you know."


Sammi Evelyn POV

Dakota and I were unpacking our clothes when my phone rang. I put it on speaker when I saw it was Connor.

"What's up, Connor?" I said.

"Heeellloo," he said drunkenly.

"He's drunk," Dakota said as she folded a t-shirt.

"what do you want?" I asked.

"Jc's sad, so we went out to cheer him up," Connor said.

"And?" I said. There's always an and.

"He's still sad. Just drunk and sad. Drunk and sad, drunk and sad," Connor started singing and I noticed Dakota had her phone out and was recording the conversation.

"why is he sad?" I asked. Trying not to laugh.

"He and Madi broke up," he said.

"Connor," I said, "Find Ricky and stay with him. You will get lost."

I hung up the phone and burst into giggles with Dakota.

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