Chapter 39: Press Conferance Numero 2

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K. Madison POV

"Hi, I'm Jackie Jackson," the host said. Not this bitch again.  I leaned back into my chair and glared at the reporters, "Magcon will answer a question, then ALOL, then O2L. Any questions?"
Lila raises her hand, "Can I leave?"
"Not that question Miss Okinawa," Jackie says and she smirks at her.
"You did say any," Ali says and we all nod. We all sat by group, we were all seperated by a podium. Heather sat at one and Jackie at the other. (Unfortunately, Mahogany was with Magcon. She waved down at me when we came in) It was O2L, then us, then Magcon. Unfortunately, Jc was sitting in the first chair and I was sitting in the last chair so we were separted by over ten people. Even worse, I was too close to Shawn to stand it.

Jc, Ricky, Trevor, Connor, Kian, Sam
Lila, Dakota, Maya, Ali, Sammi, me
Shawn, Gilinsky, Johnson, Brent, Mahogany, Cameron, Nash, Matt, Carter, Taylor, Aaron, Hayes

"Let's begin. Magcon, who goes first?" Jackie ignores us girls and smiles flirtingly at Magcon. OMG, she's a cougar.
"We choose the lady with the teacup chihauhau," Carter says and points at her.
"Did you fall in love with any girls?" the lady says.
"That would be the question, huh," I mutter towards Sammi and she shakes her head.
"What was that Madison?" Carter looks at me and then everyone else does. I can feel myself blushing.
"It was a joke she was telling," Sammi saves me from the embarassment. I mouth 'Thank you' to her and she pats my shoulder, "Remember this when I want some brownies and you're too tired."
"Well, did you?" the lady asks Carter again and this time he blushed.
"Well, I did," Carter says, "But turned out she didn't like me back."
"Who was she?" the lady asks and Carter shakes his head. Phew.
"ALOL, it's your turn," Jackie says and Dakota nudges Maya.
"Um, how about the surfer dude with the too long hair," Maya says and I laugh.
"Maya, is it true that you always wanted to be the bad girl of the group?" he asks.
"Kinda," Maya says, "it means people sorta fear you so they leave you alone. But Madi took the title before I could."
"You're right I did," I say and everyone in the room laughs.
"Can we have the lady with the dyed red hair?" Connor says.
"Well, you can't exactly have her," Heather mutters, forgetting she has a mike and we all laugh.
"Connor, have you ever had an argument with Nash over who has the prettiest eyes? In fact, may I ask the girls who they think has the cutest eyes," Red hair says. All us girls look at each other and have a silent agreement to have a tie.
"Nash," Sammi says.
"Connor," Dakota says.
"Totally Connor's are gorgeous," Lila says.
"Neh, I like Nash's," Maya says.
"Yeah. Mr. Grier's are so blue," Ali says.
"You're both wrong," Mahogany says, "It's Connor's eyes all the way."
Nash throws his hands up when Mahogany says that.
"So, Madison," Red Hair says, "Which one has the perfect eyes?"
"We didn't coun't right," Sammi says, "We can't have a tie."
"Yeah, Madi," Connor says, "Are mine prettier?"
"Are you calling a guy pretty?" I laugh nervously.
"Which one?" Nash bats his eyes at me.
"Matthew Espinosa," I say and everyone looks at me, "What? I'm a sucker for brown eyes. You both win if I choose Matt's gorgeous brown eyes."
"So you prefer brown eyes over green or blue," Jackie looks at me and I nod, "Weird."
"Next question!" Ali yells before I can punch the bitch in her face for calling me weird.
"The lady with the goth make-up," Taylor says.
"Have you kissed any of the girls?" she asks and I lay my head on the table with a thud. Why is this so embarassing for me? Can't we embarass Dakota for once?
"Yes, I have," Taylor says and the goth girl make the gesture to go on, "You want to know who?"
"Well, duh," Heather rolls her eyes and I almost laugh.
"Um, the girl who has her head on the table. Or the girl who's giving me the death glare," Taylor leans away from me. Sammi nudges me to sit up. I sit up and pull my snapback down so that it covers my face.
"We should have Miss Madison answer this next question," Jackie says and she better be glad wishes don't come true bc right now I'm wishing she was dead.
I scan the crowd and find a really cute Hispaninc guy. I lay my head on my fist.
"The really cute Hispanic guy over there," I put on a fake Hispanic accent and Maya glares at me. I was so copying hers.
"Does this mean you and Taylor Caniff are in a relationship?" he asked. Dumbass.
"NO!" Everyone that was in that house yelled.
"Can she get a better question," Jc yells and I almost laugh. Overprotective much.
"She chooses the Asian lady in the blue pantsuit," Ali says.
"First, may I say, Madi that you look a bit meaner than usual," Asian says and I shrug, "Are you in a relationship with anyone?"
"I have a good friendship with Sammi here," I put my arm around Sammi's shoulder, "That should count as an relationship."
"She's in one," Sammi says and I push her away from me.
"I'm in one and Sammi and I are getting a divorce," I say and Sammi looks at me, "It was good at first but then I just couldn't stand her guts anymore."
Everyone and Sammi laughs and pushes me away from her and I almost fall into the podium.
"Our turn," Kian says, "The person we choose is the blonde girl that keeps jumping up and down."
"Someone had extra sugar in their Frosted Flakes," Aaron says and we laugh again.
"Is Jc single so I can ship me and him?" the girl asks and I sit still, so on the outside it looks like I'm listening but on the inside I am fuming. I want to yell that she'll never be able to ship his name but I don't want to embarass myself. Again.
"I'm sorry, cutie, but I'm taken," Jc says and the blonde's gets visibly mad. Sammi and Ali scoot more toward me as if she was about to attack.
"Taken, by who?" Blondie's eye twitches, "So, I can rip out her heart for loving what's mine."
"Harsh," Dakota says and Blondie looks at her.
"It's not you, is it?" Blondie gets closer to Dakota and I'm about to jump up if she gets to close to my sister.
"No," Cameron, "She's mine."
"Then which one of you is the bitch I need to kill," Blondie says.
"Do we not have security?" Hayes mutters. Right.
"Look, Blondie," I say to her, "You're not ripping anybody's heart out for two reasons. One: that's impossible. Two: yeah, right, you would."
"Yes, I will," Blondie says, "And don't call me Blondie. My name's Magenta."
"White trash names are real," Sammi whispers to me.
"Or strippers," I whisper back then turn to Blondie, "Well, Magenta, you won't. Promise you, by next month you'll forget Jc. Some other funny boy will notice you."
And the dumbass got in my face.
"I will rip your heart out if you don't tell me who it is that has taken my man from me," Magenta nearly spits in my face.
I stand up so we're eye to eye, "Do it then. Rip my heart out."
"Security," Brent calls, "Do we like not have that here?"
I feel a sharp pain on the side of my face. This bitch just slapped me. I turn towards and almost punch her before someone picks me up and pull me away. Jc. I struggle and get away run up to Magenta, who turned her back to me. I jump on her back and she fall to the ground. I flip her over so I can punch her in the face. I'm pretty sure her nose is broken. Then somebody picked me up again. This time it was Jack G. I'm struggling to get out of his grip when Blondie stands up.
"You're the one who took him from me, huh?" Magenta says as she hold her nose, "I'm calling me lawyers and suing."
"You can't sue her since you provoked her," Trevor says, "You hit her first, so, no suing today."
"And I'm about to hit her again," Magenta comes up and punches in my lip.
"You are so lucky that he's holding me back," I yell, "Or you'd be dead."
"Yeah, right, bitch. You wouldn't do anything," Magenta says, "You're just a wanna be bad girl."
I struggle to get out of Jack G's grip.
"Imma just let you punch her," Gilinsky says (He's so nice) and I run towards her punch her in the stomach and she falls.
She grabs my hair and pulls me down to the ground with her.  You don't touch my hair. It's not weave. Oh, it's on. I pull her blonde hair and come out with a handful of extensions.
"Extensions, really," I throw them at Sammi, who has an excellent catch.
"Ripped stocking, really?" She rips the rip in my pre-ripped stocking so that a peice of fabric is just hanging down my leg.
"You little bitch," I say.
"Takes one to know one," she say and I slap her across the face. Her head turns to the side. 
"Security," Hayes yells, "Where the hell are you?"
Then Jc decided that he should throw me over the shoulder and lead me away from the bitch. Buzzkill.

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