Chapter 40: Battle Wounds

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K. Madison POV

"Punching fans, huh?" Lila says as she puts a cloth covered in alcohol on my lip. I flinch from the sting, "C'mon, this is your punishment for beating up fans."

She presses the cloth to my lip.

"Magenta must have had a ring on for you to have a cut in your lip," Lila says as she goes to ALOL's dressing room's sink and rinses out the blood from my lip off the cloth.

"I just embarrassed myself in a room full of cameras," I shake my head and Maya pats my shoulder.

"The bitch deserved it," Maya says. The ALOL members were out with the boys making sure no press got in here. They were also calming down reporters so they'll less annoy me with questions.

"I took a picture of when Jack G first grabbed you," Lila shows me it. It was like he was carrying me like a baby, "It looked like he was about to put you in a crib."

"I wish he would of," I said, "I probaly would have made less of a fool of myself."

"Either way you're a fool," Maya eats one of the muffins from the baskets the fans sent us.

"She hit you above the eyebrow, too," Lila holds my face to the light, "You have cut there too."

She cleans the cut and puts a bandaid above my eyebrow.

"You're going to have a scar over your bottom lip," Lila says, "Does it hurt?"

"Like hell," I say and flinch because it hurts to move my lip.

"Here's a pain killer," she hands me it (Without water. She knows me so well) and I swallow it.

"It's time to go to our home," Maya grabs our jackets and we put them on, grab our bags and leave the tv station.

The secod we step outside, we're rushed by press. So they found some security. I put on some shades and lower my snapback on my face. I wrap my scarf around my mouth. All so they won't see the band-aid and scar.

"Madison!" they scream, "Are you sorry for your actions? Are you really dating Jc Caylen? Are you hurt in any way?"

"No, I am not sorry for my actions," I mutter and Maya hits me on the shoulder. Not like they heard me. We get into the limo without too much questions. It was just us three. Everyone else already left.

"You know, you're going to have to something to explain this to the fans," Maya says and I shake my head. I hated confrontation.

I open up my phone and see a thousand messages from everyone else but I open up my app where I can find everything that people say about me on the Internet. Same with Youtube. Some good. Some bad.

OMG, @KMadisonchica beat the crap out of that obsessed fan. Go K. Madi. I'm here for ya.

Jc and K. Madison make an adorbs couple #KCaylen #MMIH

That girl was lucky to fight @KMadisonchica. I'd beat her 2. She's so fake. I h8 that she's in @ALOL. She's horrible. #ugly.

I like how both of their names are with intials. #KCaylen

Whoever said this is so right. At least, I know his real name. Justin Caylen.

If I ever see @KMadisonchica on the street, I will rip her heart out for dating Jc. HE'S MINE.

Love, my sister. @KMadisonchica. The one time she lets loose, its on TV.

That last one was from Alex, my brother. I smiled as I read it. I'll read one more.

Sup, bitchezzz. Sorry, u guys found out about me and @KMadisonchica like that. I really like her. Hope u guys like her 2. #KCaylen.

Really, Jc? I knew there was some reason why I liked him. I called him on my phone. Here's what happened.

Jc: Madi, I've been calling you forever. Are you okay?

Me: Fine. I saw your tweet. I really like you, too.

Jc: I hope so. So, what's going on?

Me: We're on our way to the my house. Aren't you already there?

Jc: Yeah. I was worried the paps took ya.

Me: I'm sure Wishbone would have sniffed me out and got me back.

Jc: Yeah, he's a gangster like that. So, got any battle wounds?

Me: A scar over my bottom lip and one over my eyebrow.

Jc: Cool. Ever thought about getting a tattoo? It's pretty badass.

Me: I wouldn't know what to get. I don't want anything stupid like a cloud or something.

Jc: That's a low blow and you know it.

Me: How 'bout this since you have a cloud, I'll be the rainbow.

Lila looked at me and rolled her eyes when I said that. Meanie.

Jc: That's a plan. Though a rainbow's not badass.

Me: I'll be the raincloud then.

Jc: Good. How long till you get here?

Me: Fifteen minutes. Minutos quince.

Jc: I'll see you later, babe. Like you.

Me: Like you, too.

I hang up the phone and Maya looks at me.

"Like you?" she asks and I shrug.

"Can't exactly say I love you yet," I say.

"Whatever," she says, "Ya'll have practically been together for three years, but whatever."

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