'Dangerous' Creatures

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Australia is full of dangerous creatures.
Snakes are vicious creatures who are poisonous.
Sting rays are poisonous and will sting you if you step on one.
Crocodiles (no, not alligators) will bite you in half. Sometimes. If they're hungry.
Sharks happen to be around a lot. After all, we are an island. Go in any direction, and you will reach the sea before you reach the border.
But most of them aren't in populated areas, so as long as you don't go into the bush or deep water and start poking shit with sticks, you'll be fine.
Even snakes, which the media would tell you appear in every house every second day, don't become houseguests a lot. Usually you need to live near long grass, a park, or yes, surprise surprise, a field, farm or big empty space that we have lots of, to get snakes in your house. But keep the doors shut and you won't get them in.

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