Temperature Differences: England vs Aus

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Yeah, I know. Another temperature one. Sorry.

We get so bloody cold, like 15 degrees and we put on 5 jumpers, a pile of blankets and basically sit in the fire.
England gets 20 degree weather and they're bloody naked and swimming around in their backyard pools and we just look at them and go... 'The fuck you doing, mate? Get out!'

England-But it's so warm! We never get this hot weather!
Australia-Hot weather? HOT weather? Mate, you haven't even seen hot weather until you go to the bush in the middle of summer and run out of trees to hide under.
Eng-Well, we don't freeze our nuts off at 15, do we?
Aus-Well... yeah. I suppose. But we almost never get snow, so you have that going for you.
Eng-Yeah, snow. The freezing point of which is 0. We get cold at -20. You would never last at that.
Aus-No, you're right we wouldn't. Which is why we will never go to England during winter. We ain't suicidal to die of hyperthermia, or whatever 'die of cold' is called.
America-Ha, y'all are wuzzies! We can survive 50 degrees easily. It's not even hot at all!
Both- ... Shut up, America.

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