Deck The Halls

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Deck the halls with bits of wattle
Fa la la la la la la la la
Whack some gumleaves in a bottle
Fa la la la la la la la la
All the shops are open Sundies
Fa la la la la la la la la
Grab your Dad some socks and undies
Fa la la la la la la la la

Deck the shed with bits of gumtree
Hang some deco's off the plum tree
Plant some kisses on the Missus
Have a ripper Aussie Christmas

Say G'day to friends and relies
Wave them off with bulging bellies
Kids and babies, youngies, oldies
May your fridge be full of coldies

Chop the wood and stoke the barbie
Ring the folks in Abudabe
Pop the stuffing in the turkey
Little Mary's feeling erky

Rally, rally 'round the table
Fill your bellies while you're able
Joyce and Joany, Dave and Daryl
Sing an Aussie Christmas carol

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