'How smart are you?' quizzes

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You know the ones on YouTube.
What do you see first, a dog or a face?
Find the hidden happy face inside a grid of sad faces.
If Jen was born in December, how can her birthday be in summer?

Obviously her birthday is in summer. What other season could it be?
Oh, right... Winter. Because it's a Northern hemisphere based question. Which makes it so bloody easy for us down in Southern.
But... Does this mean we are automatically smarter because it is actually true for us? Does it even count if we don't have to try?
If we are smarter, do we get a discount if we want to go to one of their Unis?

Why aren't there any Aussie how smart are you tests? All of them are American-ised and it's really not much fun.
If there are, give me links? Please?

200+ views!! Thank you guys!
Aaaannnndddd a big thank you to @Splash_Horse99 for voting! Glad to see you enjoyed this!

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