RTX Sydney!

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RTX this weekend. Currently having a lunch break and thought... Oh shit. I forgot to publish chapters. So here it is!

This is only the second year they've come to Aus, so the convention fits inside one hall, but there is a lot of stuff here. From Rooster Teeth to Fairy Tail to
Lots of RWBY cosplayers, though, so that's good.

Follow him on Twitter!

Only two complaints.
-Not enough chairs in front of the stages
-Almost no RvB merch, which is disappointing

Thanks to that person who read all of the chapters at once (Even though they're only a minute long 😅) and @cinnamon_milkshake (fingers crossed it works, it didn't turn blue in drafts) for being my first real voter! Glad you enjoyed Deck the Halls 😊

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