A change in Schedule

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          My name is Lalna. I am a Techno Mage. It isn't easy being me you know. Many people seek me out in search of a limitless source of power. I was alone for as long as I can remember. I never go outside, because I like to keep a low profile.

         I get up from my chair. "It's been long enough. I am sick and tired of this old mage tower!" I thought. I pause, and look out the window. It was night time. "You're going to put yourself in danger if you even think about it..." I said to myself. Then I looked at the clock, then at the window again. I'd decided. With a flick of wrist the window swung open. "The last time I did this was 200 years ago." I thought. I charged at the window at super speed and went for a dive. I could feel the ice cold air battering my face. Flying over the fields of sheep, cows and horses, was very familiar. I was really enjoying it! The world was just so beautiful, even at night. I decided to land somewhere. I touched down beside a lake, surrounded by forest and a small area beside where i could sit. I could see the moon's reflection in the calm water. It was very silent. There didn't seem to be any mobs around at all. After a few minutes of admiring my surroundings, I rise to my feet in search of civilization. I walk to the edge of the lake, Which was in fact, a water fall. I stepped back, Then ran and jumped of the edge. I could feel the night air all around my Blocky body. "I love Minecraftia!" I shouted. I was falling fast, and when I got closer to the ground I just had to slow my fall. I landed gently on a tree overhanging the river leading from the water fall. I immediately noticed a rather large castle in the middle of the forest. I was very curious, so went to check it out. There was a sign. "Blackrock Castle" It read.

          I walked unto the door step and knocked on the giant wooden door. It opened two seconds later. A man, with brown hair, glowing blue eyes, wearing some kind of clothes based of the end answered.

He looked at me strangely. Was it something I was wearing? (I was wearing a shirt, jeans and lab coat with goggles over my head.)

         "Wow." I thought. "Can I help you?" He said."Erm yes, I was looking for some shelter for the night, could you offer some?" I replied. "Yes, we have a guest bedroom, you can stay there for as long as you like." He said. "Thank you. What is you're name?" I ask, following him indoors.

"My name is Rythian." He answered. I stopped on the spot. This was all too familiar. He looked back. "You ok there?" He said, looking confused. I thought for two more seconds. "Do you have a second name?" I ask Nervously. He walked on. "Yes I do. But I don't see how that is you're business." He replied. And walked on. We walked past a room, which was full of wands. I didn't use a wand, but often demie wizards use these. He caught me glimpsing into the room. "That is my magic room. I study magic." He added. "You look like one of those techno-mages. Do you like magic?"  He said, curiously.  "Yes I do, I like science more though." I say.

We walk up stairs and he leads me to the guest bedroom. "This is it. It isn't much but it'll do right?" He said. "It's more than enough, thanks." I answered. He walked towards the door. I had been thinking all the way up here about something. "Rythian?" I called. "I think I may know you're second name." I said softly. "Really?" He said. "You still haven't told me your name," He replied.

"My name is Lalna" I said softer. He  paused, and stared. "You're name is Rythian Enderborn."I had a flash back." He said, slowly. "Lalna was always hunted by Sips and Sjin, because they wanted an unlimited power source. Her power could not be exploited, but instead harmed those who tempered with it without her will." He said. "Her magic was like the tech element. she hid herself away from everyone who would plan to do this to her. I haven't seen her in 200 years." He said, Emotionally. "She was the most powerful being in existence." He said. I definitely met that description. It brought back some memories that had long been forgotten. "I can prove I'm her." I said Boldly. There was a short silence. "You can in the morning." He said kindly. "You should get some rest" He added.

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