The MythBuster

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"Okay. So I know that In space, Dark matter Conflicts with light, and destroys it, much like when Lalna (Light magic source) Is near Dm. I walk over to the computer, next to Lalna's bedside. Lalna can be very strong when Dm is far away, and weak when it's close. I Latin to the computer. DM can't be here, because he sent Rythian to get me. I open the internet browser. I had an idea. My power armour had a flux capacitor built in, so I turned it on. I was right. At this point, Flux (A form of dark magic) was actually spreading through the air. That explains the fact that she fainted, but... what about her sudden change in appearance? She said they burned her, but I very much doubt that. I look over at her. She looked as if she'd been handling coal. All the scorch marks.... covered her. Her lab coat- torn, and was still very warm. The sun was setting, and the final beams shone in the window and onto where she was lying. I heard a sizzle. What was that!? I ignored it. Maybe if I go and see Lewis and Simon at Yoglabs? They Can run DNA tests to see? Good idea right there. I look at the bed. "D...Duncan?? How did I get here?" She said, yawning. "Well, you collapsed outside so I put you up here." I replied. "And why does my arm feel like It just got burnt if I'm in...." She stopped, almost as if I wasn't meant to here that. "I've been thinking. I want to take you to Lewis and Simon to get some Dna Tests done. Is that okay?" I ask. She pauses. "Can we go now?" She asks. I think. Why now? It's Dark out.. I think. "Okay, but you need new clothing on first." I reply. She nods, and runs into the bathroom, unusually faster than normal. A few minutes later, she comes out with her normal clothes, but she was wearing sunglasses. "What's with the sunglasses?" I said. "The Sun is bad for My eyes." she replied. We left the castle, and went to check on Rythian. He escaped.  I didn't really care. We walked on, and after about 50 minutes of walking, we arrived at the giant door. I pressed the buzzer. The door opened and we walked in. We were directed by some testificates to Lewis' and Simon's Office. "Mr Brindley Sir, You have visitors." The testificate said. Lewis looked at us, a little confused. "That's good you can get back to work now." He replied. "Come sit down, guys... Wow, I haven't seen you in centuries, Lalna!" he said. She nodded. "Lewis. There is something terribly wrong with Her. We need you to run some tests." I say quickly. "What happened?" Lewis and simon ask at the same time. I look at them "Well, she was exposed to, touched and stabbed by Dark Magic. But there's something else she isn't telling me..." I say. Lewis Examined her for two seconds. His expression changed rapidly. "Lalna. Do you mind coming with me into the interview room?" He asks. She nods and follows him out the door.

Lewis' Pov

We came into the small interview room. "So... Lalna.. you can tell me this stuff.." I say. She smiled and stood up. "Well, lewis, I have been Showing alot of symptoms of something. I'm pale, very thin my eyes..." She came up to me and took of her sunglasses. Her eyes were bright red. They used to be green. "My hair is a very Dark purple, with parts of my old hair colour at the ends.." She continues. I was thinking.. these were.. "I can run super fast." She paused. "I...I Burn in the sun and... feel the want for blood...." She said softly. "These are all signs of Vampirism. Dm could not kill you, so he made you his own... but he failed somehow.. because you are still good." I say. "Yeah lewis. I'm a vampire. but will Duncan like me this way?" She said sadly. "If he truly cares then yes." I say softly. She gets up quickly, and a forcefield appears around her. "Lewis! I just need to stop myself.. I feel the urge for blood and death!" She said. She's stopping herself. impressive. "You'll be fine try to resist. Let's go and talk to Duncan." I say. She pauses, takes a deep breath and closes the forcefield. We both walk into the office again.

Duncan's Pov.

"Duncan.. We've been talking about it, and, we've saw all symptoms of vampirism. we know why, and we have proof..." Wow. I was shocked. I mean, that's pretty cool actually. "Her hair and eye colour? both symptoms. Burning in the sun? another one. Pale? again, another...." Lewis stopped and looked at Lalna. "Wait, do you have fangs, Lalna?" He asked. Lalna looked down at her feet in discomfort. "Y...yes.. I do.. have fangs.." She replied. Lewis nodded and smiled. "There's your answer." He said. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. "I didn't know if you'd accept me like this.." She said. I look at her and smile. "I think it's awsome. all we need is to put a hood on your lab coat." I say. "Soo leewwis... Dm is taking over the world, and the rest of YC has turned. we need help getting Lalna up to strength so her light can restore balance again.." I say. Lewis and Simon smiled. "We're in." They both say. "Those ********* better watch out..." Simon Smiled.

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