An Epic Battle

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I paused and looked down, as the first move was made. Lewis was Shooting lasers at his clone, who amazingly, brought out a similar gun, but purple, and started firing. I looked ahead, and noticed my clone there, floating in front of me. I looked at Lalna. She had just noticed hers, doing the exact same thing. I flew Backward, Charged my repulsor and blasted at the clone, who skillfully dodged. In mid dodge, he charged his repulsor and shot at me. I tried to dodge aswell, but I wasn't quick enough. A sharp pain ran up my body. That was it. Time to go melee. I looked at Lalna. She had charged an ultra deadly orb and blasted it at her clone. Her clone smiled, a toothy smile. She had fangs too! The clone quickly dodged and charged toward her. Lalna stopped flying and landed softly on the ground. I decided to take this to the ground to. My clone was across the field. I get ready, and charge at him. I jumped, and put my foot out, ready to kick, and made a sharp blow to the clone's head. He then Stepped back a little, ran, and done the same. I quickly dodged, and saw that he' d missed. I quickly then punch with my right fist and jump quickly to the left, so when I was copied he'd miss. I then Tried to fly kick him, to get him down I step back, jump and swing my foot with all my strength towards his head. I landed, and turned around, and there he was, on the ground. I lean over him, get my repulsor, and deal the final shot. The very material in which he was made of dispersed and he was no more. I turn around, to see Lewis Shooting his clone, then skillfully and gymnastically dodging the other shots. He then, pulled another gun out, jumped forward and shot. This sent the clone flying backward and eventually he landed on his back. Lewis then skillfully grabbed an enderpearl and threw it at his clone. The pearl hit the clone, dealing the final damage, before teleporting Lewis to the location. He got up, and looked at me. He nodded, and ran over to me. "We best not interfere with these guys, they know their own weaknesses." He said. I nodded. I looked and Saw that fluffine and Jerome had dealt the final blows to their clones with their bettys, and AntVenom had just owned his clone with a diamond sword. Sky had killed his with a squidlaucher, whilst Zek had owned his with a single bucket of lava. Everyone had now defeated  their enemies, and had walked over beside Lewis and I. I looked up. All except Lalna. She flew back, Charged an orb and fired. it was dodged. The clone stopped. "Do you really think you can kill someone who is exactly like you?" The clone said, in a creepy voice. Lalna looked exhausted. She flew down and looked at the ground. The clone smiled, charged a deadly orb and blasted it. Poor Lalna was too exhausted and was distracted, that she didn't move. The orb hit her, And she was sent flying backward, until she hit the stone cold wall. I saw the energy running along her body, giving pain to every part. "That's right! with me being you, I have the same ability as you! And yes, that was you're instant death orb." the clone smiled. I looked at Lalna, her eyes slowly closed She was lying against the wall.l. I rush over and grab a hold of her, "Lalna! are you okay!?" I shout with hope. The clone had began to laugh. It started to rain heavily, Forming puddles in the ground. A wisp of blue swirled around me. I looked in a puddle beside where Lalna and I was. I wasn't a vampire anymore, niether was Lalna, or her clone! I looked at her again. Her eyes were slowly opening, but I didn't see that beautiful rainbow pupil. Instead, Her eyes didnt have one, but glowed with a very bright blue. She looked pissed. "That's right. I'm just like you. So, Now I know that you're only weakness now, is yourself!" The clone shouted. I looked at lalna again. Her eyes where fully open, and they were now glowing purple. She disapeared leaving ender particles in her place. "That's funny, because I never remembered myself to be so cocky." A voice said. The voice had the same pitch as Lalna's but sounded.... Supercharged I suppose, It echoed around everywhere. The clone looked around, confused. Wisps began to form around the clone, then they exploded, as the clone let out a final shriek. There was dust everywhere, and as it cleared, Lalna stood, in the centre, alone, and her eyes went back to normal. She smiled at me. "WE DID IT!" She shouted. At that moment everyone cheered. Lalna rushed back to the crowd and I headed over to meet her. There was celebration. Suddenly, a voice came. "Oh, It's not over. Forgot about me?" Dm laughed. He appeared infront of us. "I want Light verses dark. That's it. Everyone stand down." Dm said. Lalna nodded, and the crowd backed away. I look at her, she looked back and smiled. There was a bright flash of light, that for the milisecond that it happened in, it blinded me for a second. When I could see, there was dust everywhere. When it cleared, I saw an unbelievable sight. In Lalna's place, there was a figure, in her model, with no exact detail, but emitted an immense amount of light. It was light blue, with multicoloured sparks and wisps surrounding it. "All right. Time to finish this!" It said, in that same 'supercharged' tone. It was Lalna! I then took a flash back to the research I made about Light and Dark matter before. I remember discovering that darkmatter always destroys light matter. This fight may not go so well.

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