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"Lalna.. you now have more weaknesses that we have to come to terms with. Like Sunlight. But we can always try to strengthen you against Flux." I say. "I can assist you phsycologically." I continue. She looks at me and smiles. "Can you please turn the lights off? It's getting a little warm.." She asks. Lewis gets up and turns them off. "I still can't get used to these..." She says, opening her mouth and feeling around. "To be honest Lalna, the only thing that creeps me is you're eyes...." She looked at me with a frown. "You always used to say how you loved my rainbow coloured eyes...." She cried. "So. How can we get you strengthened?" Lewis asks. "Well, with the curse of being a Vampire there also comes Speed, strength and acrobatics." She said. "I suggest I keep practising my spells and moves." She said. "Okay. let's see you're agility and strength." Lewis said. "Come with me." He said, walking into the gymn. "Okay. Two laps around." He said, with timer. She smiled so much that I could see her teeth.. they were pure white and her cute little fangs over aswell. I looked at her face. It was even more pale than before. "Okay... 3...2...1.... Go!!" Lewis shouted. Within 2 ms, she was back from two laps. We all stood in awe. "Hmmm... that was good. Now we should see. You're reaction speed. Lewis grabbed a bow and arrow. He pulled back, and shot. Lalna immediately started to run, then did a backflip over it, and the arrow hit the wall. Lewis looked at Lalna for two seconds.

Lewis' pov

I look at Lalna and Think. After thinking a horrible thought I walk over to Duncan. "I am concerned that maybe Dm's spell hasn't quite finished with her yet. I fear that it will soon give her a very dangerous mind set..." I say to Duncan.

Duncan's Pov

"What mindset is that?" Duncan said. I look at him. "The Bloodlust" He said softly. There was a silence. I thought. I was a thaumic expert. "what if, when she was exposed, some flux got inside of her?" Lewis looked at me. "She'd be dead by now..... UNLESS!! Vampires are known as dead sometimes... right?" Lewis asks. "In some ways, yes." I reply. "Now. Vampires cant see their own reflection.. yet she could see hers! We will know when the spell has full affect. So we should know when she gets the mind set." Lewis exclaimed. Lewis gets another arrow, but when he went to get into shooting position, he pricked himself. He had a small bleed. Lalna stopped Running Laps and looked. "GET THAT OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORRE....." She looked down at the shiny reflective floor. ".......G...G..guys? where's my reflection?" She said nervously. "Oh no... I suggest you guys lock me up in a Flux chamber RIGHT NOW!! I'm not safe!!" She says, looking at herself. Lewis looked like was actually going to. "Please Dont!" I shout. "She's gotten her first bloodlust. it's too late now..." Lewis says softly. Lalna walks over, shaking a little, trying to resist the blood lust. "Guys Quick!! I'm getting a blood lust!!" She ran even quicker than before into the flux chamber. "Dont do this....Lewis..." I say. "Just until her bloodlust is gone...." He says as he turns the Flux valve up. "You know she really needs blood, right?" Lewis says to me. I nod. "Her skin is going grey." Said Lewis. "Hey Guys! Turn the flux up full way please and leave me here over night. It might help." Lalna shouts. "Ok" Lewis said. He walked over. I jumped up to stop him. "Duncan! It's okay! I can do this!" She says. "I need to get some sleep. You do to Duncan." Lewis pointed out, walking upstairs. "How can I sleep when she's sitting there, dying in a flux chamber?" I say. "Duncan. Its part of me training!" Lalna said, yawning. "Okay, I'll go." I say. I follow Lewis to the guest room. Let's hope she can survive. Lewis leads me into a small room with a bed, a bedside table a huge tv. "She'll be fine. All this proves is that when she gets a bloodlust, she's full vampire. He says softly. He looked out the window. "When she doesn't however, it's the same old Lalna!" He says. "Well, except for her appearance, her speed, her strength and her burning..." He added. "I get the point" I say, angry. "okay bye." Lewis walks out the door. I get into bed and try to sleep. 

I woke up and looked at my watch. It was 3am. I couldn't stand to sleep when she's in there. I walk out of the room and head to the flux chamber, hoping that she's still okay. I run and look through the glass. She seemed weak, she needed blood. "Hey.. Duncan. I've discovered that maybe going into a flux chamber whilst thirsty isn't the best of ideas. She said. Her skin was even more pale than before. "Are you coping with the flux?" I ask. She gets up. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just need to believe." She replied. "Do you wanna hunt or.. Go to the blood Dna room?" I ask, Concerned. "I don't wanna hurt anything, or anyone, so lets go to the Dna Lab." She said. I turn the flux chamber off and let her out. We start to make our way to the lab. "Duncan, I'm no genius,

about genetics, but, Vampires, Don't have blood, right?" She says. "Maybe not..." I reply. "What If I could Conjure some of my own blood, then drink?" I look at her. "Hmmm I have an idea..." We both ran into the lab. I immediately started looking around for a needle. I find one in the drawer labelled 'Sharp things' Duurrr. "Lalna, Look away for a second." She nodded and looked away. I lifted the needle, and stuck it into my arm. I then drew the handle back, to get a good amount of my blood. The syringe was full. "Lalna, come." I say. She turned around, to see the huge cut the syringe left. Her eyes widened. She rubbed her head. "Duncan. You're arm is..." She dashed at light speed towards me, and stopped two centimetres away. She started shaking. "Put you're sleeve down, please." She said, her voice shaking. I roll my sleeve down. "You know, you can do anything if you just believe..." I say. She turns around. "You're right." She says. She closes her eyes and, too my amazement, multicoloured wisps of magic appeared around her. They circled her, and about a minute later, they dissipated, and left, her, Only she looked her old self again! She wasn't pale, her hair was back. I smiled. She looked at me, still sad. "That only improved my appearance and bloodlust.." She said. "I don't need blood anymore." She continued. I smiled. We walked back and we went and sat on the cliff of the mountain that yoglabs was on. We watched the Sunrise. The sun was slowly creeping up the sky. "Oh noo.." Lalna Gasped. "Sun..." She continued. She ran super fast into yoglabs. I followed as quick as I could. We sat in the main lobby waiting for L and S to wake up. I had an Idea. "Hey Lalna... can you change me?" I say Softly. She looked at me, alarmed. "Are you Sure?!!!" She answered. I smiled to comfort her. "I want you to share you're pain with me... besides, it be cool" I say. She looked unsure. "Umm okay.." She said. "Not the painful way though." She said. She flicked her wrist and immediately I felt movement in my teeth. I felt super strong, and fast. I turned a little pale, as vampires are. "There, the only thing different now, is you are slightly pale, and of course fangs, and sunlight..." She said. I looked into her eyes. They were the beautiful rainbow colour again. "Thank you.." I say.

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