The Best Decision ever!

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"We have to do something about my infection first." I say. Duncan looked at me, and nodded. "Nothing science can't fix. You're lucky this place is far away from Rythian's place" He said, Walking to the door, and holding it open for me. Then I remembered. That thing he put in my pocket! I search my pockets, to find a little gold Ring that had a few words engraved. "D and L forever" It said. I slipped the ring on my finger and smiled at Duncan. You like it? I made it myself. He said. "I love It Duncan!" I say, following him out the door. We came into a large room, filled with a lot of machines, pipes and chests. "We can use a Flux Extractor to get rid of it." He said. I walk across the room infront of the beam. It was great to see technology again. Duncan went behind the mount of the giant gun. "I hope this works..." He said, crossing his fingers. There was a pause. "It wouldn't be a risk if it wasn't science!" I say, laughing. Duncan Smiled. "Kay let's do it." Duncan said. He then flipped the switch, as the machine whurred and chugged into life. It started to glow, and within a few seconds a bright beam had shot from it onto me. a small part of it turned purple, then the colour spreaded through the entire beam. Then, almost immediately, it stopped. I looked at my chest. No purple. It worked. Duncan looked relieved. "Yess!!" Duncan Shouted. I smiled and stepped out of the gun's fire path. "Thank you!" I say. Duncan looked at me. "How much do you remember about science then?" I thought. Suddenly, I got a headache, as if all the knowledge I had on science before had just flooded my brain. I look a him and smile "alot" I reply, grinning. Over this amount of time, I had started to develop a hate of Sips, Sjin and Rythian. They all hated us, so that didn't leave many allies left. Lewis and Simon might be good allies. I thought. Duncan grinned. "Let's do Some Scieeencccee!" Duncan exclaimed cheerfully.

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