A Fluffy Thing

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          "Lalna, do you want to go for a walk in the forest, so I can get you caught up with everything?" He kindly asked. I looked out the window. It should be fine, as long as I'm not spotted. "Ok, I'll bet I've missed a lot." I say to him. We walk out of the huge castle doors into the forest. It was dark and silent under the shade. The trees were almost dead and formed a thick canopy over the path. "So. We both know that after 'Doomsday' happened you went away to protect us. After this, Sips and Sjin seeked me out in question as to were you had gone. I did not know of course. Then I met Zoey. She was one of the ones who wanted revenge on Duncan and Sjin. We are still trying to find Duncan....." "Wait!!!!!!" I shouted. I had to interrupt. "I like Duncan. He was very, very close to me." I said softly. He shot me a look then continued. "Don't you remember 'Doomsday?' I should remind you. Before, in the old world, we all built things, we lived in the mage tower. Anyway, I was in the mage tower and you were visiting Duncan. You were obsessed with him. But he had some weapons to test. So he decided to test it on Sjin. You stayed at his house. He went and started a small scrap. Sjin, being an Idiot, decided that the only way he could beat him was to make Duncan's underground reactor to explode. It ended horribly. We all died, but thanks to you're magic, we are all here now." He said Greatfully. "I like Duncan, Rythian." I said, looking at the ground. He pretended he didn't hear, walked on, and continued. "Now, in you're absence, I set up a small hut. the same day, I went to the lake. Out of nowhere, Zoey fell from the sky and landed in the lake. We allied. Afterwards, we built Blackrock together. One day, when Zoey was farming, she was shot by a dinosaur called Teep. We made friends with him and we revived Zoey. A few weeks later, Teep was captured by Sjin, and I was forced to go unarmed to free him. Zoey and I were doing all we could to make a safe plan. As you know, I hate science. It turned out all along that Zoey was a scientist. We launched the mission regardless, and after the mission, They disappeared." He finished."You must miss Zoey." I said. He nodded and we walked on silently. "You ever heard of Baccas, Lalna?" He asked, to get of subject. "A little bit, not much." I reply "They live here, but are very rare." He added. We walked on. The trees were rustling. They were doing this a lot more than usual, so I began to get cautious. Suddenly, A fluffy brown thing jumped from the branch and landed softly on it's feat. "That's a Bacca!" Rythian Exclaimed. I looked closely. "I am Queen Jeromiah, but you can call me fluffine." Said the Bacca. "Hello!!" I shout, Clearly excited. It was sun-down now, and I could see a skeleton ready to shoot at Fluffine. It shot, And at pure reaction, I dived and and pushed her out of the way. I'd landed on some grass, so it shouldn't have been that sore. But it was. It was really sore. "How could I have gotten such a sting in the chest just by landing on soft grass?" I ask, concerned. Rythian turned around and looked horrified. "Lalna!!!! You're Gonna be ok!! Just, focus." He shouted, terrified. I looked down at my chest. "Relax. It's just an arrow." I said. I stood up, I yanked on the arrow until it came out. It wasn't like any other arrow. It was purple. "ARE YOU OK Lalna?!" Fluffine shouted. "I am. It was like a pin." I say. I look at Rythian. "We should head home now." I declared. After a very long journey, we arrived home. "Have a good sleep!" Rythian shouted to me. "You to!!!" I reply.

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