The thaumaturge

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"First of all, we should make this place look magical." Lalna smiled. She grabbed some cobblestone and zapped it. It quickly turned and was embossed with purple, She started using them as the floor. "This is Vis infused cobblestone." She said. Finishing the floor. "It looks great!" I say, inspecting the floor. She then grabbed some oak slabs, and made beams across the ceiling. She made the rest of the walls and the ceiling out of stone bricks. She took some chocolate-coloured wood and at every corner she placed those as pillars instead of the brick. "This is nice." I say, leaning against the wall. She turned around and smiled. "Oh. I'm not finished yet." She said, putting bookshelves into place. She then conjured some candles, and put them on some one block high bookshelves. She then put her hands in a gesture, as if she was holding a ball, and an orange orb appeared. "This is called Nitor." She said, putting the orb down. It began to float, shedding a light throughout the room. She put one at every corner. "Nice." I say, going closer to investigate. As I got closer, I could feel the area was warmer. "Careful. They also emit alot of heat." She said, watching. "Oh. okay. Now what?" He asked, looking around. "We need to get started by making a wand" She said, opening her bag. She took out the shards. "Which would you like?" She asked. "I like entropy for it's colour, but that's not good for you... soo..." I was interrupted. "Oh no. It's fine. It may emit more flux but I'll try to live with it, if it makes you happy." She said. I smiled. She put on her glove and picked up the shard. She then grabbed some sticks and a gold nugget. She then crafted a wand, with a gold band at the bottom and an awsome black crystal at the top. "Nice!" I say, excited. She looked thoughtful. "What's wrong?" I ask, confused. "We can't charge it easily. I'm the only available magic source that exists, and charging it means I need to hold the crystal without gloves..." She said. She smiled. "Well. Whatever. Yolo." She said, grabbing the crystal of the top. Immediately, lalna's arm began to turn dark purple. It was spreading quickly. "DROP IT!" I shout, swiping my hand at her, trying to hit it out. "No. n..n..o..t.. un..til.. I.. Ch..arge.. it..." She said, her voice getting softer every word. Her hole arm and half her chest was purple, when the crystal started to glow. She dropped it on the floor immediately and grabbed her arm with her left hand. Black smoke started to appear around it,but vanished slightly later. "All of that training wasn't useless" She smiled, as wisps swirled around her body. the colour vanished. "In thaumaturgy, this is called taint." She said. "The dark stuff is dangerous to me because it can spread across the magic in me, either killing me or making me evil." She said, handing me the wand. She walked back through the portal, and we ended up in the storage room. The sun's golden beam shone through the windows once again. "Why are days so short lately?" I ask, hoping Lalna might know. "I don't know.. Time flies when you have fun?" She said, hopping on the teleporters before diving into the bed, followed by me. "Tomorrow, we will do some real thaumaturgy." She smiled, rolling over to face me, before closing her eyes. I slowly drifted of.....

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