Lalnable Hector?

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A shiver ran up my spine. The waiter that was wiping the tables around the pair stopped. "OH MY GAWD!!!" The waiter shouted. Rild and Gros shot him a look, suspiciously, and continued to stare at him. "Oh.. I... I need to go now..." He said, taking a step back. "My... My..." Grosencrantz stared at him, confused. I grabbed my wave reciever from my pocket, and tuned it to the closest frequency. It seems as though the frequency I found was infact, Lewis' and Simon's walkie-Talky communication. "Get out of there..." Lewis' voice said. "....Make an excuse of some sort." He quickly added. The waiter backed of a little more torwards the door."The.. The jerk store called and sai.... said... that.. my dog is on fire." He said, turning his slow pace to a quicker rate. He exited, and headed in the direction of the breakroom. I run, as fast as I could (not being detected) And climb up on to the ledge, and follow it to the breakroom, to find Lewis and Simon exiting and making haste down the corridor. I turned and followed them. "We may be too late...." Lewis said, quickening his pace. "What for?" Simon asked, running to catch up. "Well, now, yoglabs has clones of everyone so that when people die they can respawn. This system was put together by Lalna and I, but uses a very inefficient power source." He said, running. "Wait... So Everyone basically counts on this power source?" Simon asked, struggling to keep up. I ran along the ledge like a ninja. "Indeed. However, this power source is clean renewable and very powerful , but highly fragile. It's one of Lalna's magical specs. She made one for us. Her and myself made this, in a rush, with it being after Doomsday, so she didn't have any time to make a better model." He said, arriving at the doors. I stopped running, and stood on the ledge behind. Lewis put his palm on the scanner, which opened the door. They both walked in, and I slipped in last minute, before the heavy metal doors slammed shut. As I followed at a safe distance, I saw a glass window, looking into a room. There were signs on the glass. "DO NOT TAP." It said. "Umm Lewis? what's this? Simon asked, pointing at a strangely moving figure in the room. Lewis smiled. "Oh. That's Lalnable Hector. He's a broken clone. When Lalna and I made this machine, we had everyone's bodies preserved in ice so we could clone the original." He said, stopping and pointing. I stopped dead, and took a few steps back. "Since Lalna liked Duncan so much, we decided to use the machine for the first time ever on him." He said, starting to walk on."There were a few bugs." He said, walking in to a large room I snuck in behind. I looked up, to see rafters, I climbed up and hid up there. There was a huge capsule in the middle of the room. It must be generating energy for all of the clone sec! And to think, Lalna makes those so easily. I noticed, Grosencrantz going to a cloning phat, breaking the glass, and pulling out Simon's Clone. He took his sword, and stabbed it, killing the clone. "That's one down. Only Two to go!" Gros said, Running over to the cloning phat lewis' clone was stored in. I quickly grabbed my pistol, and shot at him. The gun made virtually no noise, but the bullet peirced, bringing him to the ground. Simon ran at him, with his sword to finish him, then sat down on the ground. "So, what does this mean?" Simon said, wiping the sweat of his forehead. "It means that.. If you die, you won't respawn, because you have no master clone." Lewis replied, walking towards the phat. "What can we do?" He asked, in a hurry. "Well. We need you to take his place in the phat for a while until we get a new master clone." Lewis said, patching up the glass, and helping simon in, before closing the door. "Goodbye friend." Lewis said, walking into the Cpu room. Suddenly, The lights went out. I looked at the capsule, were the power source was, and noticed it was gone. While Gros was killing clones, Rild was doing this! I dropped down, and shot at rild. He fell to the ground. I ran to Lewis. He looked shocked. "Get all backup reactors and generators up. Now! If these are off, then a random person could seize to exist!" I say, worried. Lewis, despite the shock, nodded, and pulled a rather large lever. The lights came back on, but duller. "They won't last long. The phats take a lot of energy." Lewis said, walking out. "We need Lalna." He said, looking at me. "I'll have her down first thing tomorrow." I say, shooting my portal gun and diving through. I ended up in the storage room. I got changed from my stealth gear and into my lab coat, jeans and top, then went up stairs to rest.

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