Arcane Magic

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The next morning, We got up and headed to the magic room. "Now." She said, putting a bookshelf in front of me. "Zap this with you're wand." She said, pointing at the wand she made me yesterday. I grab it and point it at the bookshelf. A dark purple beam came from the crystal, and when it hit the bookshelf, it vanished, leaving A book. "Good job. This is a thauminomicon." She said, lifting it of the ground and handing it to me. "Is this a spell book?" I say, looking through the pages. "Sort of. It's a guide to thaumaturgy. Each time you learn something, it will show up here, but with more detail." She said, pointing at the first page. "This takes quite a while, but lucky for you, I know it already." She said, going into her bag and lifting out a similar looking book. "This is a tome of knowledge sharing." She said handing me it. "What does it do?" I ask, scratching my head. "Put you're right palm on the front cover." She said, smiling. I done what she said, and immediately I felt the knowledge flooding my brain. I gave her the tome back, and looked in the Thauminomicon. There was some thing like a large skill tree on each page, and each was now unlocked. "We'll start off by making an arcane crafting table." She said, grabbing some slabs and going to a workbench. She made a dark brown table, and put it against the wall. "Put you're wand on top of this." She said, leaning against the table. I walk over, and set the wand on top. A green cloth appeared on the table, with nine squares. "Perfect!" She said, grabbing some iron and handing it to me. "What's this for?" I ask, confused. "We need to make a cauldron." She said. I walk over to the workbench, and Put the iron in the correct orientation. Lalna was putting lava into a small hole in the ground. "Put the cauldron above the lava, then zap it with your wand" She said. I put the cauldron down, and zapped it. A small symbol appeared on the side. "Good. We've made a crucible." She said, looking in the Thauminomicon.

Next, we need to make you a thing called thaumometer. It is a single lense that lets you see the magical aspects of a person/thing. She hands me the book, and I look through until I find the recipe. She handed me the items I needed and I put the items in the correct configuration. I put my wand on the bench and I had a thaumometre. It was like a single lense that you hold to you're eye. I held It, and looked at lalna. Immediately, Tons of symbols appeared on the lense, with a sideways 8 on the corner of each one. "If you look at me with that you'll see absolutely every symbol and infinite of each, because I have every aspect." She laughed. This was cool. I looked at myself. some symbols appeared. A Feather, a pickaxe, a gear, a chestplate, a spring, a heart and a jewel. "What do these symbols mean?" I ask Lalna, who seems to be entertained by my nubness. "Well. Each of these Symbols represent an aspect or trait you have." She said, sitting on the table. "Do the aspects have names?" I ask. "Yes. For example I'll name your aspects." She answered. I smiled. "Can you explain what each means aswell?" I ask, wanting all information. "Ok. The feather is volatus, meaning either you're a natural born flyer or you're swift in movement.  The pickaxe, is instrumentium, meaning you are naturally skilled with tools. The chestplate, Tutamen, means you are good at defending yourself. The gear, Mechina, means you're naturally talented with machines..." She said. I smiled. "Wow. These are pretty much spot on." I say, surprised. "The Spring, is potentia, meaning that you have vast potential for something, but this will vanish when you realise it. The heart, means that you care immensely for your friends and even more for those closer to you. The jewel means that, to someone else... you are worth.." She stopped and smiled. I smiled back. "The universe." She finished. "That I so sweet!!" I say, touched by Lalna's Kindness. "Duncan? did you see the black symbol aswell?" She said, getting up. I looked through the lense, to see that I had missed a symbol. It was a black crescent shape. "I can't quite remember it's name, but it represents pure chaos. It means that sometime in you're life you've either been through chaos or caused it." She said. "How are you seeing these? I have the lense." I say, confused. "I can see it normally." She said, getting up.  "You can do more research and crafting by yourself for now. I'm going to visit Yoglabs." She said. "Can I come?" I say, following. "Sure, I'm not the boss of what you can or can't do." She said, going through the portal."Is having chaos good?" I ask, after walking through the portal. She smiled. "Actually, for me it is. That's one of the few negative ones. It's better than having alienis, Taint, or Fluxium." She said, putting her bag into the sorting system. "We ready to go?" She asked, Looking back at me.

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