Helping A Friend

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"Teep's going for the 'hitman dinosaur kinda look." She said Cheerfully. Teep stepped out of the shadows. He was a dull green, wearing a torn suit and headband, and was no taller than Zoey. Zoey, however, had bright red hair, and a single lense that covered one eye. They were quite a pair. "Alright, how can we help you?" Duncan said Happily. I smiled at Zoey and Teep. "Well. Teep's quite the marksman. She said, thinking. "We could make him a sniper rifle" Duncan suggested. "And we could make you a mining laser." He said. I nodded happily. He went back to the teleporters. We followed him. "Make yourself at home while I make these things." Duncan said, tinkering with stuff. I would like to talk to Zoey. See what's up. "Hey, would you like to come up on the roof and see the beautiful view?" I ask Zoey. "Sure!!" she replied. We walked up. "So. If you don't mind me asking, Lalna, are you a magician, or a scientist?" Zoey asked. We sat on the sloped roof. "I'm neither, really, I'm just like Duncan. Only, I don't use rings for magic, off course." I reply happily. We sat and stared at the moon. "How did you and Rythian get into the fight?" I ask. "I was doing Science. He hates it." She replied. I thought for a second, and noticed that Zoey was happy enough to just admire the night by herself, so I went to see duncan. "Do you know why Rythian has been acting strange recently?" I ask Duncan. He looked at me. "He just hates science and scientists, and is holding a grudge on us for Doomsday. I'm planning a deterrent and I have a little trap for him set up. He cant hurt us." Duncan said, busy building the last of the stuff. Zoey came down from the roof, collected her weapons, gave thanks and left with teep.

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