Team building

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We sat in the lobby for around 10 minutes, and finally Lewis and Simon Came. Lewis seemed happy. "Wow. You survived all night?" Lewis asked, Yawning. Lalna smiled. "Until 3am." She Replied. "Well, good to see you lost the vampire look." Simon added. Lewis put his hands behind his back. "Now. If we are to fight as a team, we need to know our skills." Lewis said, walking from side to side. "Well, my attack is like iron man" I say proudly. Lewis and Lalna look and Simon. "I'm quite good with melee weapons." Simon said, not so proudly. "I have lasers, guns, and shit." Lewis laughed. Lewis thought for a second, the looked at me. "I'll take Simon and Lalna for Some additional training, you can look for any allies that aren't involved." Lewis said. Lalna sat down and started to concentrate. She had been charging an orb of some sort. She blasted it at the ground, and a wisp of blue ran up our bodies. "What was that?" Lewis asked. Lalna Smiled. "We have no weaknesses." She said Happily. I smiled. "Okay, bye now." I reply. I walk out the door. "So. who hasn't been involved yet?" I think. Suddenly I have a flashback of when Rythian tried to shoot me. The bacca! Fluffine! I stop and think. Fluffine is married to, Fluffy, who is friends with mitch, adam, ssundee, bashur, Jordan, GoldSolace, SetoSorcerer, Deadlox and Zek! Well, Zek.may be not the closest of friends, but whatever. I'll have to go to the jungle near Rythian's. It should be totally fine. If this works out. Damn. One hell of an army. I run back into Yoglabs and find Lalna. "Lalna. Can you teleport me to Rythian's place?" I say. She looked confused, but she made a portal for me anyway. I jump in, and pop out infront of blackrock. I head for the jungle, and hope she is there.

I walk along the path. "Fluffine?!" I shout. "Where are you?!!" I shout again. Suddenly, the branches above started rustling. She dropped down from above and landed softly on her feet. "You called?" She asked. "Yes, Lalna and I would like to request you, you're husband and his friends to assist us in...." I pause. She looked at me and smiled. "Yes?" She asked. "Saving the world." I finish. She smiled. "You mean TC and their friends?" She asked. "Yeah." I answer. "Sounds fun. I'll ask them to train immediately. Where should we all meet?" She asked. "Meet at yoglabs." I say. She nodded and ran superfast into the canopy above. I walk back to blackrock, and jump back through Lalna's portal. I ended up in the gymn, where they were still training. "How'd it go?" Lewis asked. I looked at him and smiled. "It's a surprise..".

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