A strange Infection

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I wake up.  I felt weak and dizzy. I could hardly open my eyes. Rythian was at my bedside, clearly looking worried. I sat up, And couldn't help but notice that part off my chest was purple, Spreading out from my arrow wound. I knew that arrow was different. Fluffine was beside Rythian. "Bacca Intel is telling us that the thing that shot at you wasn't a skeleton. It was In fact, Sjin." She said. I take another look. "It's dark magic." I say, Very confused. " You got rid of It a long time ago!!" Rythian added. "You should rest, Lalna. You don't seem to be In the best state." Said Fluffine. I didn't want to rest, though. I couldn't do without seeing Duncan. "Alright" I sigh, then pretend to close my eyes. I could hear them exiting the room so I quickly got out of bed, put my Lab coat up and Prepare to go and find Duncan.

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