The Splinter Cell

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I was quite good at remaining unseen, so this should be easy. I couldn't just enter through the front door, so I climbed the mountain that yoglabs was inside. After reaching the top, I look at the spectacular view over the lands. I grab a shovel, and dig down until I reach Iron. The ceiling. I activate my sonar goggles, and notice that the ventilation system runs directly under me. I grab my laser, and cut a hole in the ceiling. I ended up in the vent pipes, And began to crawl around, until I saw a cover. I looked through. It was the main corridor. There was a ledge I could move around on for better views. Suddenly, to my surprise, a little hamster ran past on the ledge. I stared for two seconds, confused. I pushed the vent cover with all my might, until it fell to the ground with a rather loud Clank. I skillfully climb out of the vent and jump to the ledge. Grosencrantz said something about a staff bbq. I look down at the corridor below, there was a testificate walking down. I decided to follow him, keeping to the ledge above though. I crept along the beam, and noticed that he had walked into the room I was beside. I had no way in, except from the claustrophobic ventilation pipes. I look above, pull the vent cover off and climb in. I follow the pipe into the room, to find that it was full of people. Lewis and Simon weren't there though. In the corner, there was a shed, so I decided to hide behind that. I looked for the nearest cover. There was none in range of the shed. I took the closest one to the shed of, and made a plan so I wouldn't get caught. I decided that I would use the furniture in the room as cover. I dropped down from the pipe and land behind a table. I run from table to table, and eventually make it to the shed. "Waiter!!" shouts a familiar voice. The waiter walked nervously up to the two testificates at the table. "What would you two like to eat?" The waiter asks. "I'll have A glass of water." One said. "I'll have the same as Rildenstien." The other said. The waiter smiles and gets them their orders, before wiping the tables around them. "When we're done, there is a gap in the security's time table that allows only us access to the clone sec." One said. He must be Grosencrantz! That guy from before! "We do our work, then It's only a matter of time. One slip up, then they're gone forever!" Rild said. I edge closer so I could hear better. "Then, We will destroy Yoglabs and take over the World!!" He said, excited.

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