To Yoglabs!

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I nod and we head out the door. "Why are we going again?" I ask, looking behind me at Lalna. She gulped.  "I saw a vision." She said, walking faster to catch up with me. We walked for nearly 20 minutes, and arrived at the door. I pressed the buzzer, And a testificate came to the door. His name was Grosencrantz. Lalna was shocked, she took one step back. "I'm sorry, but Lewis and Simon are busy." He said, nervous. "Doing what?" I ask, suspicious. "Their doing stuff for the big staff bbq." He said, Stepping in the door again. "Oh okay. Can we see them?" I ask. "No." He answered immediately. "But.. we came all of this way..." Lalna added. "I'm sorry. This doesn't seem urgent. goodbye." He closed the door. Lalna walked away. I stood, closer to the door, when a voice said: "Remind me to get their clones, too." What was that about? I'll find out. I shot a portal at a nearby tree and ran to catch up to Lalna. I'll go when She's sleeping. In no time, we were back at the castle and were going to bed. I figured I better show that I actually got into bed. One hour later, I went Into the unused tower, grabbed a dusty old box and dragged it to the storage room. I opened it, and there it was. My stealth suit. It was exactly like Sam Fisher's, and I had goggles and equipment to match. After putting the suit and goggles on, then putting my cross bow and suppressed pistol on my belt (A long with various other shizzle) I shoot the other portal at the wall. I walk through and end up in front of yoglabs. Mission Impossible.

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