Containing the node

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"We need to seal the node..." I say, staring out the window.  "Yes. But there is one thing you may want to know." Lalna said, as she went into a chest and grabbed some glass. "These nodes, are very dangerous and unstable. With the way I am, they can taint and infect me if i'm in a certain proximity. With normal people, however, they need to touch it." She says, handing me the glass. "What happens to people when they are tainted?" I ask. "Thankfully, it's nowhere near as dangerous to you as it is to me. One would get tainted, and turn a very light purple, (lighter than my shade) and begin to worship dark arts, sometimes, they would become a supernatural monster." She says, shivering. I put my gloves on. "It isn't strong enough for those effects yet though." she says. I jump out the window and fly to the node, and start to create a sphere around it. when it was done, I flew through the window. "Nice! Whatever you do, don't break the glass when it's stronger than moderate though." Lalna says, going up the teleporter, and hopping into bed. "I still have no idea why days seem so short.... Perhaps we've just been busy?" Lalna says, snuggling into her pillow. I hop in beside her. "We've done alot recently though. Time flies when you have fun" I say, pulling the covers over me. "Goodnight." Lalna says, closing her eyes. "Night!" I reply, as I drift of..

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