Kicked Out (Part 1)

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Prompt: "My parents kicked me out and you're the only person that bothered to ask the crying, obviously lost kid with a suitcase if something was the matter" 

I swear one of these will only be one part someday... xD


Sixteen-year-old Ian was walking home from his after school job when he saw someone sitting against the brick wall of a shop with their knees pulled up to their chest and a duffel bag sitting next to them. He slowed his pace as he approached the other person and noticed that they seemed to be a boy around the same age as himself. The boy was crying and obviously didn't seem to know what to do or where to go. Recognition hit Ian all too soon and his heart felt like it had been shattered. 

The older boy stopped a few steps away and spoke in a cautious voice, "Ben? Is that you?" Ben was a friend that Ian had made at school. The class consisted of students from all four grades and he had just so happened to be the person that Ben chose to sit by. After realizing that he probably wasn't going to get an answer, Ian spoke again, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He crouched down as he spoke his questions and, when he was done speaking, sat down by the foreign boy, determined to make him feel better.

"M-my parents k-kicked me out..."

Even through his crying, Ian could still hear Ben's accent. It had surprised him the first time he heard it, but Ian had quickly grown to love it.

"What? Why?"

"I-I told them I'm-" Ben cut himself off.

"You told them your what? You can tell me. I won't tell."

Ben stayed silent and just kept crying. Ian's heart ached for the poor boy; he would of done anything to make him feel better. Okay, he might of had a teensy bit of a huge crush on Ben.

The two boys sat there for what felt like hours and seconds alike. It wasn't until Ian actually forced his gaze away from the other that he noticed that it had started getting dark. The older boy bit his lip before speaking, "How about we go back to my place, okay? We can talk there."

"Y-your place...? You sure?"

"Yeah, you need a place to stay anyways. Here." Ian had already gotten to his feet and was now offering a hand to Ben. As soon as the smaller boy was on his feet, Ian bent down to pick up the duffel bag. "I'll carry it."


"But you've had a horrible day and the least I can do is carry this for you." Ian's tone showed that there would of been no use in trying to argue. So, Ben just sighed and wiped away some of the tears from his cheeks.

By time they approached Ian's house, the sun had competently set and left the world in darkness. Though, as it had grown darker, Ben had started walking closer and closer to the older boy and, eventually, ended up clinging to Ian's arm in what could only of been fear. 

Ian, who had been glad that the darkness had been hiding his light blush, led Ben up the walkway to his front door and announced, "Here we are!" He unlocked the door and Ben immediately ran inside. Ian followed after and made sure to lock the door again before turning towards where Ben was standing, in the living room with his arms wrapped around his chest. "Ya know," Ian slightly smirked as he spoke, "I never knew you were afraid of the dark."

Ben looked away, embarrassed, "I don't like to tell people... B-besides you would be scared too if you were out at night in a country you barely knew."

"I guess that makes sense but, why keep it a secret?" Ian slowly walked closer to Ben.

"B-because... It's something s-stupid to be afraid of." Ben hugged himself tighter and looked down in what could only be shame of his fear.

"No, it's not... It's a-actually kinda... kinda cute." 

"C-cute?" The word was unexpected enough to make the younger boy look up at the older.

"Yeah," Ian blushed a bit, "Y-you look cute when y-you're scared."


There was an awkward, blush filled, silence between them.

"Uh, let's g-go to my room... It's p-pretty late."



766 words! Ehhh, I don't like where I had to cut it off but, there really wasn't a good spot to do it.

The next part will be out later this week.

Don't forget to send in requests. They can be any ship and any scenario!  

Angel out~ 

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