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Sorry for not updating this for so long. I got caught up in trying to fix my grades and kinda forgot to post stuff here... oops :p On the bright side, I did keep writing and have like 5ish chapters that I just need to copy and paste here and make a few edits. Hope to upload them soon!!

Vampire!Ian AU

Hope you enjoy! (Sorry if this is kinda long :P)


Every month in the small village a sacrifice was made. Every month a random person was chosen to be tied to the old, bloodstained tree in the middle of the forest. Every month a person would be forced to wait for the monster to come and kill them. Some months, a scream could be heard in the silence of the night.

This month, Ben had the misfortune of having his name picked. He couldn't quite place the emotion he felt when his name was announced in front of everyone in the village. It seemed so surreal at first, whispers going around, people looking towards him, shocked looks mixed with relief that they hadn't been picked.

Though, as he was approached by two guards that would take him to be prepared, it was clear that all he felt was horror and fear. So much fear that, when his arms were grabbed and he was dragged from his spot in the crowd, he burst into tears. An intense waterfall of tears that befit none other than a child that didn't get their way.

Sobbing, he was dragged to the small building where he was stripped of his clothes and put in a white shirt that was a size too big for him and a simple pair of brown pants. He was left in a little room with nothing more than two couches that faced each other. This is where people would come to say any last goodbyes or spend their last moments with him.

Though, Ben knew that nobody would come. Nobody would care enough to want to see him. He didn't have any close friends and his family certainly wouldn't miss him. In fact, he was pretty sure that his family would be happy that he was gone. They would be rid of their embarrassment of a son. The boy they couldn't believe was of their own blood with how broken he was.

Ah, yes, broken. The word they had called him a thousand times. Broken for not liking sports and hunting. Broken for preferring feminine things over masculine ones. And the biggest one: broken for liking boys. He had been loved just as much as any child before they knew. Before he decided to share his biggest secret. Everything changed after that. He was given less and less attention and more and more chores until he felt that he was no more than a servant.

The hours passed by so slowly that he was almost glad when he saw the sun getting ready to set through the small window. A quick knock sounded at the door before a guard came in. No words were needed to be said for Ben to know what to do.

He stood up and, with his head hung low, he walked to the door. He felt a large hand grab his arm and turn him around. His wrists were pulled behind his back and a rope was wrapped around them. He was turned back around and a hand on his back pushed him out of the room. A second guard joined the first and, one on either side of him, he was lead outside.

The gravel paths were cold and poked into his bare feet. He tried focusing on the small cuts he knew he was getting in desperation to ignore what was happening. Though, as gravel turned to leaf-covered dirt Ben knew that they had left the village and were now entering the forest. Before long, the guards stopped and Ben looked up in confusion. He wished he didn't.

There, in front of him, was a large tree with an ominous aura. Maybe it was the scratch marks from people trying desperately to escape their fate or the blood splattered where Ben could only guess his neck would be.

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