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As requested by : piperwolf94

Merman!Ben AU

The reason this took so long was because I wrote the whole thing out and didn't like it so I deleted almost all of it and started over...

So, without further ado, enjoy!


Ian had been taking a relaxing walk down the beach when he noticed something strange in the distance. Walking closer, he realized that it was a blood covered man laying unmoving on a large rock. It seemed as if the man had used the last of his energy to get his upper half onto the rock and then collapsed.

Stepping closer to the man, Ian saw that his left forearm had a gash and was unnaturally bent, his upper right arm had three cuts that looked like claw marks, there were more of the claw-like marks on his back, and there were a couple small cuts and scratches on his face.

Noticing that not even his chest seemed to be moving, Ian hesitantly put a hand to the man's neck, in hopes of finding a pulse. With a sigh of relief, he felt a faint beat.

Now reassured that the man was at least alive, Ian started looking him over for more wounds and was surprised at what he saw on the other side of the rock. Where his legs should of been in the shallow water was what looked like a fish tail.

Blinking a few times to make sure he was seeing things right, Ian slowly realized what the person in front of him was. Merman.

New information in mind, Ian looked closer at the man's body and noticed something past all of the blood.

Most of his scales stopped an inch or two above where his hips would of been, though there were a few small patches on his left forearm, and his whole right arm had patches of various sizes mixed with areas that only had a few freckling his pale skin. He also had a trail of scales going from the back of his neck to a point on his back.

Knowing that he had to get the merman help soon, Ian rolled him over to make it easier to pick him up and couldn't help but to gasp at what he saw. His face was beautiful even though the fear. His dull, emerald eyes seemed to mesmerize Ian and, as he noticed that the smaller's mouth was slightly open, Ian didn't seem to mind the pointed teeth. Even his small claws didn't seem to phase the human. Though, that wasn't the only thing that caught Ian's attention. There was another patch of scales on the upper right side of his chest and even more of the claw marks over the rest of his chest.

Even with all the blood and wounds Ian couldn't help but to let a thought run through his mind. He's so handsome.

Shaking his head to clear it, Ian looked around to make sure no one was around before picking the merman up. Holding him close to his chest, Ian jumped as the smaller let out a whimper.

So he is conscious.... Must be exhausted then.

Ian gave a him a small smile before softly speaking, "I won't hurt you." He paused before adding, "I'm going to get you help. Just hang on, okay?"

The merman gave a small nod before slightly hiding in the human's chest.

A short walk later they were standing in front of the door of Ian's old friend. Grateful that the sorcerer lived so close to the beach, Ian knocked on the door.

It didn't take long for Seto to answer and let the duo in. Before he knew it, Ian was carrying the merman into a magic lab and Seto was directing him to set the merman in a small tub.

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