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Prompt: Person A moving to stand in front of a murderous, possessed Person B in hopes that they can snap their true love out of the trance. It works, only after Person B runs a sword all the way through Person A.

Warning: blood, injury, and character death

On that dark note... Enjoy!


Ben didn't know what had happened. All he knew was that Ian left to run some errands and, hours later, he wasn't back or answering any calls. So, hoping he was wrong, the Danish boy put on the news to see if any accidents had occured. The sight he saw was much to his horror.

A story of mass murder was being played. Even more horrifying was an image from a security camera at the scene. The image showed the murderer - a man that Ben could identify even through the blurry black and white pixels.

Wielding a bloody sword, was Ian.

Ben's stomach churned at the sight. Though, he felt compelled to see it for himself, as if the TV were showing him fake news. He needed to see for himself that Ian couldn't of been the one to do that.

A little while later, Ben was at the place shown in the picture. Police had formed a circle around him but, they did nothing else. When Ben tried to get closer, an officer stopped him and told him to stay back.

Desperation showing in his voice, Ben spoke, "Please... He's my boyfriend."

The response he got was not what he had expected, "Not anymore. That's no human."


"He's possessed. Not even bullets hurt him."

"Bullets?" Ben sounded concerned.

"Heh, we already tried gunning him down."

"You shot him!?"

"He's a threat to society."

Silence filled area until Ben got an idea, "Then let me try."

"Huh?" The officer saw the idiotic idea as no more than suicidal.

"If you can't do anything to stop him, then let me try."

"What could you possibly do that we haven't tried already?"

"I... I have the power of... of love." Saying it out loud was a lot more embarrassing that it was in his head.

"Ha! You really think that will work?"

"Do you have anything better! Your bullets don't work so maybe we have to try something else."

"Your death is on your own hands." The statement was said as more of a warning.

"I fine with that."

The officer sighed, "Let him through boys."

A gap was made for the small man to get into the circle. Ben took a few hesitant steps before approaching Ian. When he was as close as he could get himself to go, he shakily called out to him.

A strange voice replied back, "Who dares to approach me!"

Ben tried his best to sound confident as he spoke, "I-it's me, B-Ben... You remember me... right? I-I'm your boyf-friend. We've known each other for y-years." Too scared to speak more, he paused only to get a slightly amused smirk. A smirk with more arrogance than Ian could ever have.

Heart sinking a bit, Ben began desperately gushing about dates they've been on and trying to bring back memories of them together.

But, it was no use, he only got a scoff and a "You bore me with your sappy love stories" before the man walked over to him.

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