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Another random idea that really has no basis other than the fact that I like to give Ben a traumatic, abused filled childhood...

Warning: (poorly written) panic attack



Ben had been abused as a child, often denied basic necessities and locked in closets so that he wasn't 'in the way.'

So, as a snickering Jordan and Xeen shoved him into the small coat closet of their home, Ben couldn't help the tears and desperate begging for them to stop. He tensed and froze as the door was shut and he heard the 'click' of the lock.

It took a moment for him to register what had happened before he took a step back, trying to get away from his current situation. Though, as his back hit the wall, a new panic ran through him and all he could do was drop to the ground and cry. Memories of being locked in small, dark spaces filled his mind and his chest seemed to squeeze tight, making it hard to breathe.

It was only a few minutes later that Ian had come back from where ever he had been and gave a confused look to the two men giggling at the closet door. He had asked what they were doing and immediately became alarmed as the older explained their 'innocent' prank.

Ian had marched right up to them and harshly shoved them both away before opening the door to reveal where Ben had his knees to his chest in the corner. He pulled the smaller into his arms and out of the small space, holding his back to his chest in a way he knew would leave the smaller enough space to let him relax.

He ran a hand though his lover's hair and pressed kisses to the top of his head, whispering sweet nothings and soothing words as he did so. When the smaller seemed to calm enough to even his breathing and slow his tears, Ian turned to the other two, noticing the shocked and ashamed looks on their faces.

"Anything you want to say to Benny?" The words had a sharp edge to them, giving the cold question an accusing tone.

Jordan and Xeen awkwardly shifted, not quite knowing what to say in their situation. Though, not wanting things to get worse, the older spoke up, "We, uh, we're sorry about... all this."

"Yeah," Jordan quickly added, "it was just supposed to be a prank. We didn't think you'd react like this."

Ben sniffled, "I-it's okay, you didn't know." His voice was soft and wavering, still trying to calm down from the panic attack.

Ian on the other hand, wasn't letting them off so easily, "I know Ben wouldn't of let you lock him in there without freaking out. Did you just ignore it as he cried? Screamed?"

"Ian..." the younger tried to protest his lover's overprotective words, not liking how he was trying to guilt trip another apology out of their friends.

"No, they hurt you and I want them to apologize," Ian glared at the other two, "properly."

Xeen was the next to speak up, "We're sorry. We really are."

"Yeah, like I said, we didn't know you'd react so badly." Jordan hesitated before adding, "And... And we just thought you were over reacting when we put you in there. You, uh, are over dramatic sometimes."

"Okay, but that's still no excuse for-"

"Ian!" Ben snapped, tired of the accusations, "It's okay. They didn't  know I was claustrophobic. You know you're one of the few people I've ever told about... that. So... So, stop trying to make them feel bad, they are our friends after all."

Ian sighed and pulled Ben closer, "Fine, I'll stop. I just wanted them to apologize to you."

"And they did, Ian. Twice."

The older simply buried his face in the other's curls, not wanting to own up to the scene he'd made.

Sighing at his lover's stubbornness, Ben turned around and cupped the older's face before kissing him, smiling as he pulled away. "Thank you for standing up for me, but don't yell at our friends so much when they didn't know that they were doing something wrong. Okay?"

The older grumbled something before giving his own small smile, "It that's what you want then, okay."


668 words! tempted to delete two words...

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

The Great Book of One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora