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Warning: smut, self hate, and self harm



Ian had heard Ben complain about the weather in Denmark enough to not question why he always wore long sleeves. So, when they started a long distance relationship and began video chatting more frequently, he didn't question it. Even when their video chats became more and more sexual he didn't question why Ben wouldn't get fully naked.

Though, now, with Ben having lived with him in America for nearly two months, he was starting to get curious. It was much warmer here, after all, and Ian saw no reason for the constant long sleeves.

One day, however, Ian got an idea. He smirked as a plan formed in his mind.

He waited for Ben to come home and pinned him against the wall of the living room. He pressed a rough kiss to his lips and slipped his tongue into the smaller's mouth.

It didn't take long for him to get Ben to the bedroom and get things going. Moments later, Ian was down to just his underwear and Ben to just underwear and his shirt. It was then that Ian reached to take the long sleeve off. Though, he was stopped by a protesting Ben.

Ian begged the younger, "Ya know, it's kinda weird that I've seen you without underwear but I've never seen your chest."


"Please? I mean, we're both dudes, it's not like it's going to be embarrassing or anything."

"..." Ben almost looked... annoyed?

"S-sorry... just wanted to make you feel more comfortable to take it off... guess it didn't work."


"Come on, I'm your boyfriend, I don't care what you look like. I just want to see you - all of you." He smirked and pressed a kiss to Ben's forehead.

The smaller sighed, "You... have to promise not to break up with me."

"I would never."

"A-and you have to promise to stay my friend."

"Baby, nothing would make me ever stop being your best friend and boyfriend. Well... maybe one thing, but that's not important right now." Ian had added the last part with a smile.

Ben gave Ian a weird look before lightly pushing him to the side, signaling for the older to get off of him. Ian did so and Ben sat up on the bed. He played with the bottom of his shirt as he spoke, "I... No one's ever seen this so... sorry if I get too over emotional and cry or anything."

"It's okay, take your time."

Ben gave a small smile and let out a shaky breath before lifting the shirt. Soon, it had joined the rest of their clothes on the floor and Ian could finally see what he could only fantasize before.

What he saw was not what he was expecting. Scars covered the underside of his left forearm and many more were on his torso. There were clusters of them on his sides and numerous single cuts were scattered over his stomach and chest.

"What... happened...?" Ian's voice showed concern.

Ben sighed, if Ian knew about the scars he may as well know why they were there. "A kid with depression from years of bullying happened."

"Wait, these are- I'm sorry I-"

"It's fine, y-you didn't know." Silence fell over them and Ben spoke again to break it. "When I started... I was so young that I shouldn't of even know about c-cutting... I...I really didn't know what I was doing at first but... but it felt good. I... started relying on it, Ian. Th-this was the only way I dealt with all the pain and bullying." Ben took a deep, shaky breath, "I would h-hurt myself and watch the pain drip down my arm and into the sink." He paused again and tried to blink away the forming tears.

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