Derp (Part 1)

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Prompt: Imagine person A of your otp is being mind controlled and is beating the crap out of person B, but B doesn't fight A back because they love them  

Warning: blood, abuse, and generally messed up thinking and actions

I have a question in the end note thing so, stick around and make sure to comment your opinion!!


Ian had always known he wasn't normal. It was obvious from a young age that something was wrong with him. Though, it had taken until his early teens to realize that his sudden outbursts of violence were actually an insane second personality. Ian's parents, of course, sent him to a therapist where he received medication that would suppress the second personality. It would still take over every now and then but, this never really bothered Ian. He would just stay away from anything dangerous to limit how much harm Derp, his second personality, could do. However, one day, Derp did something different.

One beautiful, fall day, Ian had been sitting on his couch with his boyfriend, Ben, cuddled up next to him when Derp took over. The insane man observed his surroundings before getting an idea. He knew that the smaller, weaker man trusted and loved Ian more than enough to never hurt him. And he was so... vulnerable just laying there.

Derp smirked. Wouldn't it be fun to hurt Ian by hurting his loved ones and getting them to turn on him and hate him?!?! And what better place to start other than with the one he cares about the most - Ben. His smirk widened before shoving the small boy away from him. Startled, Ben flinched and looked back in confusion.

 "Wh-", he was cut off before he could even say one word by a slap across his face. The Danish boy brought one hand up to cover his sore cheek and the other to block the next hit. He was heartbroken but, did nothing to fight back when his hands were pulled back down. He just let them stay by his side and took slap after slap. 

Ben knew that he shouldn't be heartbroken over this; he had known about Ian's condition for years and it was easy to tell that he wasn't the one doing it but, it still hurt him to see the man he loved abusing him.

Though, soon, Ben was being pulled into a big bear hug and heard Ian's voice apologizing over and over for what just happened. A moment later, Ben was hugging him back. When they pulled away from each other, Ian wiped away tears that Ben didn't know he had shed and lightly traced a red spot on Ben's cheek. The smaller boy flinched at this action, causing Ian to stop and apologize again. Before long, they were back to cuddling on the couch but, this time, with ice packs on Ben's face. 

Little did they know, this outburst would be the first of many. Each one getting more and more brutal than the last and Ben never once fighting back.

The poor boy was too in love to even think about harming Ian so, there was no way he was going to fight back. Even if he knew that it wasn't Ian hurting him, he also knew that hurting Derp would mean hurting Ian. So, no matter how much Ian begged him, Ben would never fight back. Even after the beating got so bad that Ben would bleed and Ian's hands would ache afterwards, Ben wouldn't fight back. 

One day, however, Derp had pinned Ben against the wall and punched him until his tears mixed with blood from both his nose and mouth. He had kept the boy held to the wall as he pulled out a pocketknife and flipped it open. Ben watched through blurry eyes as the blade cut through the skin of his left forearm. He had no reaction - he had become used to the feeling of the small blade cutting him.

Derp smiled at Ben before letting him drop to his knees. He smacked the boy across his face hard enough to knock him to the floor and gave him a swift kick to the side before kneeling down next to him. He cut Ben's arms and chest a few times before restraining himself; there was something he wanted to make sure he did while Ben was still conscious. 

Derp brought the blade up to Ben's face and pressed it down under his right temple. He slowly dragged the knife down the side of the smaller's face and smiled as blood began to seep from the wound. He brought the blade to his neck and lightly cut it, having no intention of letting him die. This was all for fun after all. It was all for the fun of making Ian's lover turn against him. So what if it took a little more than a few slaps to break him? It was fun after all. 

Derp brought the blade back up and moved his attention downwards. He let the knife plunge into Ben's left thigh, a sharp flinch and gasp was the only response. Derp frowned, this was much more fun the first few times, back when Ben used to scream. The pained sounds signaling that his idea was working, that Ben was hating Ian more and more with each scream. Derp missed the sound. Maybe he just wasn't doing it right anymore. Maybe Ben just needed a little more motivation

Derp stabbed the knife down several more times, slightly twisting the blade each time he pulled it out. The built up pain had been enough to get what he wanted. Ben was screaming and crying and Derp loved it. And Ben had to love it too, right? After all, Derp knew that he wasn't the one that put the rope burns on Ben's wrists and the wax burns on his back. He knew that Ben had to of liked pain so, he must of liked this too, right? It had to be fun for him too, right?

Derp rolled Ben over and cut a large part off of the back of his shirt, revealing the colorfully stained skin underneath it. He smiled at what he saw and used the tip of his knife to trace around the edges of what used to be several small pools of hot wax. Derp dug the blade down into the flesh near Ben's right shoulder before dragging it down to his lower back. Several minutes and much blood loss later, Ben passed out.

It was quite a sight. Ben lying on the floor in a growing pool of his own blood. Bruises mixed with cuts and stab wounds all over his limp body. Clothes cut and soaked a dark red. Skin slowly growing paler and paler. To anyone who didn't notice his chest's slow movement, he was as good as dead.

And that's just what Ian thought as he finally won the war in his head and regained control of his body.


1115 words! Ooo, cliffhanger~ And, yeah, I decided to give up on the whole 'less than 1k words per chapter' thing. Oh well :P

Ahem... so... now that I've sorta mentioned kinda smutty headcannons, would you guys be interested in smut chapters? Comment  yes or no and I'll go from there ^-^

Requests always open!!

~Angel ^-^

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