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So, this one is more of a single scene that I've had in drafts for a long time trying to think of a way to make into a story (okay, more like a part of a story), but never could.



Ben adjusted the way his head was resting in his hands and lazily kicked his legs in the air. He was currently laying on his stomach on his bed, simply watching as Ian read a book. It may of seemed uneventful, but the battery of phone he had been scrolling through social media on just a few minutes ago had gotten low enough that it had to be set aside to be charged. So, now, he just watched the other, dreamy look on his face.

He let out a soft sigh and spoke in an equally dreamy voice, "I have a crush on you, Ian."

The confession got little more than an exasperated sigh as the older looked up from his book, "Well, I would hope so. We've been dating for years now, Sweetie."


134 words! Well, there it is. I don't have much more to say on this one, so see ya in the next!

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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