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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Have some fluffy fluffness~



Ian and Ben had decided not to get each other anything big or fancy for Christmas. They had agreed they would just get each other one, small, simple present. Though, that didn't seem to change the fact that the younger had very eagerly shook his lover awake with the most childish excitement on his face.

He had dragged Ian to the living room and froze when he saw the large box sitting next to the tree.

Awe turning to a pout, he turned and lightly hit the other, "I thought we said nothing big?"

A smirk met him, "Couldn't resist."

Ben rolled his eyes at the simple answer and the smug look that followed.

The older chuckled and spoke again, "C'mon Benny, it's not that big of a deal," he briefly paused, "Now, where's mine? I wanna open it first."

The smaller let out a sigh before walking over to where he had left his box. He picked it up and handed it over to the other, now sitting on the couch, and felt his excitement return as he watched his lover tear off the wrapping. He watched the older's expression as he opened the box inside and felt a surge of happiness go through him as he saw a smile.

Ian pulled out a nice, simple T-shirt and playfully shook his head at the younger, "Are you trying to tell me something here?"

Ben smirked, "Actually, yes, I am." He smirked wider at the slight shock on the older's face and continued in a more cocky tone, "You always were the same like five shirts and I'm tired of only seeing you in those."

Ian couldn't help but to smile and laugh a bit at the answer before pulling his lover into a hug and kissing the top of his head. He slightly pulled away and kissed the younger's lips when he looked up, "Well, thank you anyway Sweetie." A big, mischievous smile spread across his face, "Now, open yours."

Suddenly feeling skeptical from the look and eager tone, Ben slowly made his way over to his present and got down on his knees next to it, box now nearly coming up to his chest. He cautiously tore at the paper, nerves washing away as he revealed a simple cardboard box. He opened it and was surprised to see another wrapped box.

Pulling out the slightly smaller box, he set it aside and tore at it's wrapping, revealing another cardboard box. Opening it up, he was almost annoyed to see yet another wrapped box.

Shooting a quick glare at his lover, who simply smirked in return, Ben tore at the paper around the third box, not even bothering to take it out of the previous one. He half expected the wrapped box inside and repeated the process with it and the wrapped box found inside it.

Though, as he opened the fifth and smallest box, the box within it seemed different from the others. Pulling it out and holding it in his palm, he looked closer, quickly noticing that this one, unlike the cardboard boxes, seemed to have a curved top.

Suddenly interested in what could very well be his real present, he cautiously peeled away the paper, feeling a need to be more careful with how small the box was, and stared in awe at what he saw.

Looking up to the older, he got a love-filled smile and a simple nod and looked back down to the box in his hand. Slowing opening it up, time seemed to freeze and everything felt like a dream. He stared at what was inside, too shocked to looked away.

Getting impenitent for a reaction, Ian spoke, curiosity and excitement filling his voice, "So?"

Coming back to his senses, Ben gave a slow nod, speeding it up to an eager one as tears ran down his cheeks and a smile spread across his face. It took all he had in that moment to manage to speak, "Y-Yes! O-of course!"

Ian gave a big smile to the scene in front of him and got up, walking over to where the other was. He helped his lover up and took the box from him, removing and tossing aside the piece of paper taped to the inside of the lid with a simple 'Marry me?' written in his best handwriting. He took out the shining, silver ring and took the smaller's hand, carefully putting it on him before pulling him into a tight hug and a passionate kiss.

Ben smiled through the kiss and smiled as his face was cupped, tears being wiped away.

He smiled as he was lovingly stared down at and smiled as a small smirk twitched at the older's lips, "Ya like my present?"

He held back tears as he nodded, voice barely a whisper, "It's perfect."

Ian melted at the reaction and softly spoke as he asked another question, "How's if feel to be my beautiful fiancé?"

Ben smiled wider as he answered, new tears spilling, "Amazing."


842 words! Woo, it's nice to write something that isn't smut for a change~

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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