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Yeah, this is more of a drabble (again) and I just never got around to/inspired to actually write it...



Ben is put into a witness protection program while pregnant with his and Ian's son.

The two have no communication for 10 years until they meet up unexpectedly on their anniversary at the place Ian proposed - both having wanted to go there for sentimental reasons.

Ian hugs and kisses Ben a lot before pulling away enough for the smaller to ask who the two girls with him are.

"You don't know? Well, I guess they were just toddlers when you were taken away," Ben didn't seem to be believing what he was hearing, "They're our daughters, Katie and Sadie."

The girls wave and realizing Ben was speechless Ian asked how their son was doing.

Ben smiles a bit telling Ian to ask him himself.

He calls Devan over and Ian stares in shock of how big his little boy is. "The last time I saw you, you were still in here," he rubbed a hand over Ben's stomach.

There's a bit of awkwardness as the kids introduce themselves to each other and the parent they had only ever seen pictures and heard stories of.

The group ends up spending the rest of the day together before Ben has to sadly go home and decides to do all he can to convince the organization that he doesn't need to be in protection anymore. That enough time has passed for him to be safe as Benjamin again. That he wants to go back to his family before anymore time passes.


251 words! Woo.. eh, this easily could of been better...

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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