The Angel & The Demon*

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Wow, this is part 40... Never thought I'd get this far lol

Angel!Ben and Demon!Ian AU as requested by Tatiyona1228

Warning: smut



Benjamin was an angel.

Ian was a demon.

Their love was forbidden, but they didn't care.

Even if they had both been banished from their home realms and sent to Earth.

Even if they both had to hide their wings in the form of tattoos on their backs.

Even if they both still faced hate and judgment for their love as two men.

Even if seemed like almost everyone and everything was against them, they didn't care. They still had each other and that was all that they needed in their lives.

Currently, they were caught up in a hot make out session in their living room. Ben was facing Ian as he sat on his lap on the couch with his legs wrapped around him. The older passionately kissed his angel and rubbed the spot between his open wings. Their large home was the one place they could show their true forms and they took advantage of it as much as possible.

Ben moaned as the sensitive part of his back was rubbed and slipped his hands under Ian's shirt before pulling it off and tossing it to the floor where his own had been long abandoned. The older groaned and pulled his lover into a harder kiss, making him moan into his mouth.

Ian smirked as he pulled away and reached for Ben's wrists. He pulled the smaller's hands away from his back and pinned them behind the other in a position similar to how one would be handcuffed.

Ben whimpered at the loss of use of his hands and waited impatiently for what he knew was happening. A faint black glow came from the demon's back and grew brighter as Ian's tattoo transformed into red, bat-like wings.

The process was beautiful and breath taking, but Ben just wished there was a faster way to change their forms. After all, he'd seen his own golden glow turn his tattoo into the large, white-feathered wings he now showed on his back plenty of times.

As the transformation finished, Ian let go of the smaller's hands and the angel smiled. He immediately pressed himself closer to the demon and brought his hands to the other's hair. He pulled out the band that had kept it in a neat ponytail and tossed it aside. He ran his hands through his lover's long hair a few times before running his hands upwards from Ian's neck and curling his fingers into the locks.

The tension on his hair made the older groan and he responded by biting the angel's neck. Ben gasped and shuddered; a mix of his permanent angel innocence and Ian having memorized where his most sensitive spots were made every time they did this feel like the first to Ben.

Ian smirked and sucked hard on the smaller's sweet spot as he rubbed the space between the angel's wings. Ben pulled hard on Ian's hair and squirmed around on his lap.

"I-Ian..." The smaller was already panting and sounding needy.

The tone of his voice only served to make the demon's instincts stronger and he pulled away from Ben's neck only to let his small fangs grow in and bite him again. The smaller gasped and shook, making him pull at the other's hair even more.

Ian tasted blood and sucked at the spot a bit before licking it away. He moved one hand to the back of Ben's head and forced him into a deep kiss. The smaller let out a whimper that quickly turned into a moan. He desperately kissed back and whimpered again as he was pushed far enough away to break the contact.

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