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Request by piperwolf94

Prompt: Dragon!Ben AU where he's hiding the fact that he's a hybrid but gets caught by Ian during his heat

Warning: smut

Sorry this took so long but I hope it being pretty long makes up for the wait :P



Ian impatiently waited for Ben to show up to his house; they were supposed to be recording several challenge videos that day and, without Ben there, the older couldn't get anything done. So, he waited and waited until, fed up with Ben's tardiness, he decided to go to the other's apartment to see what was going on.

Ian walked up to Ben's door and let out a frustrated sigh before knocking, ready to ask the smaller why he hadn't shown up. Though, as a few minutes and many doorbell rings passed, he grew tired of waiting and used his own key to open the door.

He yelled the other's name in an annoyed tone and started searching the apartment for him. After checking the living room, kitchen, and his small office, Ian made his way to Ben's room. He knocked on the closed door and spoke in a, now, very annoyed voice, "Ben? You in there?"

A moment of silence passed and Ian let out another frustrated sigh. He pushed the door open and looked inside, only to freeze at what he saw.

The majority of the room seemed normal, a bed against one wall with a dresser off to the side. Though, it was what was in the corner of the room that had caught Ian's attention.

Curled up in a pile of coins, jewelry, and various other shiny things and wearing only a pair of damp underwear was Ben. Well, it looked like Ben, that is, except for the small black horns on top of his head, the shimmering blue scales scattered over his skin, and the scaly wings coming from his bare back.

The older stared in shock for a moment before he was able to speak, this time in an unsure tone, "Ben? I-Is that you?"

The other glanced towards him and nodded, "Y-yeah..." he trailed off as his aroused voice was inturupted by a moan.

A light blush suddenly came over Ian's cheeks, "B-Ben..? Wh-What's going on?"

The smaller squirmed and let out a moan, seemingly ignoring the question.

Embarrassment rising, Ian backed towards the door, "I... shouldn't be here. W-we can... talk later... I-I'll just leave now." Ian turned to do so, but froze as the other called out.


He turned back only to be met with green, desire-filled eyes.

Blush covering his face, Ben spoke again, "M-mate..."

Shock came over Ian as he realized what the words meant. "You... want me to... with you...?"

Ben nodded, "P-please," he whimpered, "I n-need... you."

Ian stared down at the other for a moment before blinking and shaking his head. He cleared his throat and spoke, "Okay, before anything else happens, what's going on?"

"Huh..." Ben trailed off with a moan.

Ian sighed, "What... are you? What's happening? Just... explain."

Ben moaned again as he shifted to face Ian better, "I'm... part d-dragon... a-and that m-makes me have to go though... h-heat... sometimes..."

"Wait... heat? Oh... that's why you're..." Ian trailed off blushing, not quite able to get himself to say the words 'so turned on'.

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