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Woo, here goes an idea I've had for ages (and didn't write very well)...

I don't really have much to say here so, I'll just let you get on to the story~



Toy making and repairing had been a family business of Ian's for generations. So, it was no surprise that he ended up taking over with skill that had been only growing since he was a child.

One day, he was taking a walk when something caught his eye. At first, it seemed to be some sort of mannequin, but as he got closer it became obvious that the object was a porcelain doll. The many cracks along its face made it hard to decipher the original design, though the flat chest showed it seemed to of been male. 

Observing the damage and deciding to take on the challenge, Ian brought the doll back to his workshop. It was difficult, but with enough time he had managed to fill in the cracks and replace the few fingers and sections of limbs that seemed to of shattered off.

He dressed the boy up in a childish looking blue and white striped shirt and simple pair of shorts before completing the outfit with a necklace he had been intending to put on some cute, feminine doll - a golden chain held a matching pendant that housed a pink heart-shaped gem. 

The piece of jewelry really didn't go with the outfit, but something about the doll seemed draw him to giving it the necklace. So, he latched it around the boy's neck and gave a small smile at his work before going off for a much deserved break.

It was only when he heard a loud crashing from his workshop that he returned, expecting an intruder. Though, the sight of the doll that he very much remembered leaving on the counter being on the floor wasn't what he was expecting. Even more so, when he saw it move.

A tense, shock filled moment was all it took before he noticed the now-human doll's fear and decided to move closer, showing he wasn't a threat.

He introduced himself and quickly gained the doll's trust. It didn't take long from him to realize that the shorter man didn't have a name and gave him one that so perfectly seemed to fit him - Benjamin. 

The other had smiled at the thought of having a name and Ian suggested going into his house to talk some more - the old workshop wasn't the most pleasant place to chat. 

Benjamin had nodded - a bit too eagerly - and Ian chuckled as he got up and held a hand out to help the other up. It was then, as the smaller stumbled awkwardly and Ian barely managed to grab him before they both ended up on the floor, that he realized just how much work this was going to be.

Letting out a sigh, Ian simply picked the other up, not in the mood to be teaching him how to walk right now, and carried him back to his house. He set the smaller on his couch and, there, he began the long process of teaching the other the basics of human life.


501 words! Did I intend to end it here? No. Did I have anymore ideas of what to write? No.

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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