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So, this is an AU I've been messing with for a while. It's had a lot of versions and I think I'm sticking to this one.



Being wheelchair bound for nearly half of his life, Ben had grown used to used to his limited world and all the pity that came with it. In fact, he had grown so used to it that, as he started a YouTube career and began making new friends, he decided to keep his disability a secret.

He taught himself how to get into a normal office chair and to push's his wheelchair out of view of the camera. He made sure to have everything he might need before joining calls and made sure to never mention his past - even if it meant lying to relate to others.

So, rolling himself off of the airplane, he was incredibly nervous of how Ian would react to the real him. He had been so happy when the older suggested that he come visit him in America that he didn't even give himself time to think before he was was excitedly saying that he'd love to.

Now, he was in another country and putting his friendship to the test as he saw the older approaching in the distance.

As Ian got closer, the expected shock and panic crossed his face as he saw Ben in the wheelchair. He ran the rest of the way over and stopped in front of him before speaking in a worried voice, "What happened Ben? Are you okay?"

The smaller looked away and took a moment to speak, "I've... actually been like this the whole time we've known each other."

"What?" Ian didn't seem to believe what he had just heard.

"I... know I should of told you sooner but... but I was scared that you'd think I was a freak or something. You... you don't know how badly I've wanted a friend that thought of me as a normal person."

Ben sniffled and it was only then that Ian noticed the tears trailing down the other's face. He bit his lip for a second before going behind Ben and pushing the wheelchair to a less crowded area off to the side.

He moved back in front of his sensitive friend and crouched down so he could wipe the smaller's tears away. "Hey, you don't need to worry. Okay? I don't think of you any different because of this." He smiled, "If anything, I think you're stronger and braver than you were before."


"You live a fairly normal life with a obstacle that you have to deal with every day. That has to take a lot will power to get though."

Ben gave a small smile, "Th-thanks Ian."

"No problem. Now, if you're comfortable telling me, what's... wrong with you?"

"My... my legs are p-paralyzed." The answer he gave everyone seemed to be harder to say to Ian.

"Oh. How lo-"

"Si-since I was 14." He cut Ian of to answer the question, having already been asked it more times than he would of liked in his life.

"Oh my gosh, Ben..."

"I know... 'that's so young' 'I'm so sorry for you' Heh... I've heard it all a thousand times. I... I just guess I'm tired of the pity."

"Sorry, I just... What happened?"

"I got hit by a car. It... left me with some spinal injury and poof I couldn't move my legs anymore."

"Damn, your life must of changed so much. I mean, you go your whole life like normal then... Wow..."

"Yeah..." he seemed to debate if he wanted to say more before speaking, "There were years of antidepressants and therapy after the accident. Years, Ian, years. I... I was so depressed I... I..." Ben cut himself off as he started crying again and instead rolled up his left sleeve to show the several straight, horizontal scars.

"Hey, shh shh." Ian gently pulled the other's sleeve back down and debated what to do, "Let's... let's go to my house now, okay?" Ben nodded and Ian went behind the wheelchair to push his friend to the luggage claim to pick up his bag.

Once they got Ben's stuff, Ian went to push Ben to his car and suddenly realized something. "I... have a two story house. Is that okay?"

"Hmm, well, I won't be able to go up and down stairs by myself but," Ben blushed a bit, "y-you could carry me up and down them."

Ian blushed a bit too and responded, "I guess I could," he smirked, "it's not like you could weigh anything."

"Hey! I know I'm small, Ian. You don't have to rub it in."

Ben pouted and the older laughed as he pushed him to his car. He opened the door for the younger and went to help him in, only to be pushed away.

Ben gave a small smirk at the other's confused face before pulling himself into the car. Ian stared in amazement and the younger gave a small laugh, "I've... had practice Ian."

"I... guess so," the older laughed too and folded up the chair before putting it in the back with Ben's bag. He hadn't expected his friend to be like this, but he didn't quite mind it either.


854 words! Woo, another double upload day! 

Hope you enjoyed!

Requests always open!!

~Angel ^-^

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