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This was sort of an idea I had based on my EdgyTeen!AU though, in this, its only Ben who had the phase and it was only the piercing part.

Like my fan art? :P

Warning: smut

Enjoy x2 cuz this is the second smut in a row~


No one knew about Ben's piercings. After all, he never told anyone about that phase. Though, if you looked at him up close, you could see where his ears had once had several piercings. It was the same on both sides - multiple cartilage piercings and a single one in his earlobe.

Of course, those weren't the only piercings he had gotten. There was also an eyebrow bar on the right side, a septum piercing, and snakebites on his bottom lip. Well, at least those were the other ones on his face.

There was another piercing, a small hoop, on the edge of his belly button and the two secret ones. The piercings that nobody but himself and the person who gave him them ever knew about. His special piercings.

They had been intended to be edgy, but Ben quickly found himself enjoying them for more reasons than that. In fact, he enjoyed them so much that, even as his edgy phase was coming to an end and he started removing his body jewelry piece by piece, he couldn't get himself to get rid him of them.

Time went on and the special piercings soon became his one of his favorite things about his body. He still kept them a secret, of course, but it became more of a matter of greed than embarrassment. Greed that he was the only one who knew about them and what they could do to him.

Even years later, as he found himself sitting in a lawn chair by the pool in his boyfriend's backyard, he remained the only one who knew about the piercings that he still wore.

Though, little did he know, that would quickly change.

Ian smirked as he grabbed a bucket, he knew that when Ben was relaxing in the backyard he would close his eyes. He knew Ben wouldn't see it coming. He gently dipped the bucket into the pool, quietly filling it. He snuck over to Ben and grinned before splashing the water all over him.

Ben yelled in surprise and looked down to see his trunks and simple white t-shirt were soaked. In a slight panic, he crossed his arms over his chest before glaring at Ian. "What was that for, dude?!"

Ian laughed, "It's just a prank!"

Ben glared harder and sighed. He wrapped his arms closer to his chest.

"What do you keep doing that for?" Ian managed to get the words out through laughs.

"Doing... what?" Ben looked the opposite direction.

"Come on, don't play dumb. You know what I'm talking about."




Ian sighed and moved closer to the smaller. He grabbed Ben's arms and suddenly the smaller was very tense. Ian tried to move his arms but they wouldn't budge.

"Come on, Baby, you're acting like some girl with nothing under that soaked shirt."

A faint blush was the only response he got.

"I... don't want to hurt you. Stop being so stubborn and just move your arms. You need to get inside and dry off anyways."

Ben looked down and held his arms closer. "I... can dry out here."

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