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Request by lionwithattitude of Ian being on bottom and Ben's first time topping.

Warning: smut, really awkward boi

TBH I've been editing this for a while and I can't tell if it sounds awkward because of my wording or because of the mood it's written in :P



"A-Are you sure about this?" Nervousness showed in Ben's voice as he stared down at his boyfriend.

Ian gave a reassuring smile and reached up to brush a stray curl out of the other's face as he answered, "If you want to do this, then I'm fine with it."

"O-okay..." The younger blushed and took a deep breath to calm himself - he still couldn't believe that Ian had actually agreed to let him try topping.

It, really, had been brought up as a joke, but when the older answered that he'd be willing let the other be dominate for a change... Well, Ben loved trying new things in bed and this was no exception. So, here they were a few days later, both shirtless, with Ian laying on the bed and Ben, very red faced, on top of him.

The younger stared down at his lover for a while longer before the older spoke in a teasing voice, "So... you gonna do anything?"

Ben's response was to simply blush harder and shift his gaze away from the man under him.

"You... don't know what to do, do you?" Ian slightly smirked.

A moment passed and the smaller stayed silent.

The older gave a small laugh before cupping Ben's face, making the younger look back at him, and stared lovingly into emerald eyes as he spoke, "Kiss me."

Ben stared down for a moment more before the words seemed to click and he leaned down to hesitantly kiss his boyfriend. Though, as the kiss went on, he got more comfortable and gained enough courage to lick across the other's lips.

Ian opened his mouth almost instantly and the smaller easily slipped his tongue in. Ben slowly explored his lover's mouth a bit before realizing that the older wasn't trying to fight for dominance as he usually did. Blush appeared on his cheeks for a second before he forced it away and and let confidence take its place.

It didn't take long for the make out to become passionate and for small moans to start escaping their lips. Though, after what seemed like both ages and seconds, Ben broke the contact and heavily breathed in an attempt to catch his breath. He hesitantly bit his lip for a second before moving his mouth downwards and biting Ian's neck.

The older let out a groan at the feeling and moved his hands to rest on the back of Ben's shoulders. The smaller bit again in another spot and gently sucked, causing the other to make a sound that was somewhere between a groan and a moan.

Ben pulled away and, disappointed at how small his mark was, bit his lover again. He left several more hickeys on the older's neck before pulling away to see a satisfyingly large and dark spot.

Small smile spreading across his face, Ben left another hickey on Ian before biting down on the other side of his neck and freezing as the older gasped and brought his hands to the back of the smaller's head. It took a moment for Ben to realize that he had found his lover's sweet spot and, with a blink and a small smirk, he started sucking on the spot, quickly getting back into the dominate role.

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