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This is another one of the 'I only had a few sentences written down to remember the idea but never got the motivation to fully write it' fics and it shows.



Somehow Ian gets drunk.

He ends up dragging Ben to their bedroom, superior strength making it easy even as the smaller struggles to get away.

Ben is scared of how forceful and dominate his boyfriend is being. So, after their clothes had been taken off and things escalated further than he was comfortable with, he managed to escape and run to the bathroom where he locks himself in and spends the night.

The next morning Ian is very hungover and gets concerned when he sees their clothes scattered around the floor and no trace of his lover. Eventually, he notices that the bathroom is locked and uses a key to open it.

He feels his heart break a little at the sight of Ben curled up in a makeshift bed of towels with dried tears on his face.

He gives a sad smile at knowing the smaller was okay, but also knowing that something bad had to of happened last night. 

He kneels near his lover to brush his hair back and press a loving kiss to his forehead before scooping him up and carrying him to bed.

Ben starts to wake up as arms wrap around him in their usual cuddling position and he immediately freaks out, feeling like he's back in the night before.

Ian shushes him with sweet nothings and kisses pressed all over the back of his neck and shoulders before apologizing a thousand times for the night he couldn't remember but regretted all the same.


245 words! Meh... Do I like how this turned out? No. Do I have any ideas on how to actually make this sound good? Also no.

Like I said earlier, these are a mix of few-sentence drabbles and near-complete stories. There isn't really any sort of order to them, but I do know that the next one is pretty damn long~ Let's hope that makes up for all the horrible short ones lately.

Hope you enjoyed!

~Angel ^-^

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